The following is a report from a person on the Invincible American Assembly at 
MUM in Fairfield, who wishes to remain anonymous.

Experience – 1/15/2018

How Being Comes to Eclipse All Other Experience

This is a further elaboration on how the daily experience of pure consciousness 
in my life essentially wipes away waking, dreaming, and sleeping altogether. It 
is perfectly true now that I cannot say I am ever awake, ever asleep or ever 

Because those states are entirely and perfectly and totally eclipsed by the 
ongoing experience of pure consciousness in my awareness. It is my one and only 
state of awareness 24/7. 

And that is why there is truly never any sense either of falling asleep or of 
waking up. It has all been blended seamlessly, smoothly, and entirely into only 
one thing, total and complete awareness of Being. It is what lights my 
awareness during activity, during sleep, and during dreaming. And it lights it 
so totally, that it can only be said, that is all there ever is.

This did not happen immediately after CC presented itself. This is the 
condition into which the dawning of CC grew inexorably over time. And it 
happened so gradually, I only became aware of it in stages. We say that Being 
or pure consciousness is very subtle. And it is. 

But the subtleness of the experience belies the huge power behind it that grows 
to be more and more dominant each day…more and more dominant, more and more 
total, more and more powerful, more and more and more undeniably the totality 
of one’s experience until there is nothing more to say about it. It IS your 
experience and very much IS who you are. It IS the nature of everything. And 
somehow bundled into it all is divine presence.

The evolution of this experience is quite different from what I expected. And 
that is because there was no way to even imagine how this would unfold. No way 
to imagine it. Trying to put words to it at most points in the direction of the 
reality of it, but words cannot touch its essence. Words cannot begin to touch 
the powerful essence of it, the overwhelming reality of it…even the subtleness 
of its subtlety.

In that sense, it seems to be a paradox. How can something so immensely subtle 
and beyond the senses come to be so powerfully all pervasive and dominant?


It seems that God has become the very essence of my Being. That is to say it is 
utterly impossible to separate him from myself. He is the essence of who I am. 
That probably sounds grander than it feels. It is such a subtle experience and 
yet so undeniable. I am literally unable to conceive of him as a separate 
being.  If I seek Him to converse with or ask for his help, I cannot find him 
anywhere but in me...or, perhaps it’s more like I am on Him. Either statement 
is equally true. 
Jai Guru Dev

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