Reply email: Governors and Sidhas who are not taking Super Radiance meditation 
as important because most of them have been ostracized and disillusioned by the 
movement. And many of those who haven’t are not looking terribly healthy or 

 With the Dome meditation attendance having fallen to be so low there is a 
serious questioning about the endurance of the Dome group meditation in 
Fairfield.  This meeting becomes an important way post in the journey of the 
meditating community in Fairfield, Iowa.


 Subject. Communal Meeting this Weds. 
 Phoenix Rising Hall (Burlington and 3rd).
 7:30 PM,
 Maharishi Effect: Fact or Fiction?
 David Orme-Johnson, PhD, a leading long-time scientific researcher in the 
Maharishi Effect, invites you.

 FW email:
 I don't feel climate change is (necessarily) scary. It can be sufficiently 
controlled mainly (not only) by higher Super-Radiance (SR) attendance. 
 My concern has to do with Movement Governors and Sidhas who are not taking SR 
as important as it is, not prioritizing it as much as they could. There is more 
power in SR than in the people doing the climate change, gmo, vaccinations, 
pharmaceuticals, and electromag, etc. 
 Takes a lot of integration to see through.

 Archer Anangel wrote : 

 Yes there is some good science in meditation research, but seemingly there is 
not much.

 Perhaps 1% of the studies meet the gold standard. So out of 700 studies you 
have seven that are really decent.

 As the quality of the journal published in goes down, so does the quality of 
peer review. There are top-level scientists, mid-level scientists, and 
incompetent scientists. 

 So peer review is a check on quality only if you have good quality reviewers 
and statisticians to check the math. Really bad quality journals are pay for 
play, and you can get published even if the study is highly flawed, and the 
paper may not get any peer review.

 Meditation studies are a niche market within the field of consciousness 
studies, and are typically associated with various religious-based movements 
which are not the best mental platforms on which to implement impartial 

 Because most of the meditation research is bad, the baby is getting thrown out 
with the bath water.

 Climate science is much more advanced and there is wide consensus that climate 
change is a serious problem if you ignore politicians and political views. 
Science on meditation is far behind in getting the kind of consensus we have 
with climate change. It is the result of a bad approach, using science for 
marketing rather than knowledge.

 Promoting bad science in the name of meditation is like offering rotten 
vegetables in the market. If we like meditation and it benefits us, that does 
not give us the ability to evaluate the science. Subjective experience and 
emotion and the results of scientific experiments are often at odds.

 The best we can say now is meditation looks promising but more research is 
needed. It is when non-meditating scientists in droves come into the consensual 
fold that meditation is good for something, then is the point when the case can 
be made.

 This is not cynicism, this is the state of affairs. Meditation is great. It is 
for self-realization. If you are doing meditation for some other reason, you 
are already halfway to failure. Blame it on Western culture which does not have 
a good social underpinning for this kind of practice.


 On Sunday, June 17, 2018, 10:06:32 AM GMT, 
[FairfieldLife] <> wrote: 



 Actually there is some lot of good science in it, meditation. Peer review. 
What? Like the global climate science, what, 'all the science is no good 
because some of the science is no good'? 
 That is what the cynicism offers. That one title said that way in that journal 
is certainly evil,’Throw it all out because some is bad, poorly done’. This and 
someone saying it sounds so rational and intellectual except, like tossing in a 
Trumpism, the underlying assertion is simply not entirely true, a fake news 
headline in itself. 


 Archer Angel writes,


 It is great that there is an attempt to do research on TM, but TM and other 
forms of meditation has a very poor record as far as quality scientific papers, 
as this summary in Scientific American indicates.
 Meditation is essentially for self-realization/enlightenment. Promoting it for 
heath and societal effects so far has not set the scientific world on fire. 

 It does seem to impress people who know little about the nature of scientific 
research and who seem unable to grasp the difference between a scientific study 
and what they want to believe.

 I think people benefit from meditation, but it is still not clear 
scientifically what it does.


 Research on TM and Other Forms of Meditation Stinks


 Research on TM and Other Forms of Meditation Stinks John Horgan




 Compelling and Activating, 
 the evident science research comes now also as Clarion call in life policy to 
meditators to come together in meditation practice of transcendence in groups 
and change the catastrophic future of mankind into Heaven on Earth. Everyday 
 It is a fair descriptor, exponential. Graphs of so many of the variables 
within the long differential equation of rapid climate change show exponential 
growth, not just some linear changes since the 1870 baseline of the industrial 
age.. Coal burning, oil burning for internal combustion power, introduction of 
exotic greenhouse gases, melt off of polar ice caps, chopping down rainforests 
for palm oil production, 
 These are exponential peer review variable in a long equation that some would 
want to wait on more and do nothing..(claiming untested assumptions?) for more 
research? The person writing email also makes a good human observation in 
expression about the limited capacity of some folks to think their denial and 
inaction about this complex compounded problem in only linear ways.  I feel the 
conservation biologists are doing a good job of having a rational conversation 
about this now in heightening awareness of something very complex that 
evidently can overwhelm a lot of people’s thinking.  

 Archer Angel asks:
 Q: What is "exponential science"? I have never heard of it.


 Mail:   I have yet to find any scientist who understands exponential science, 
and who has an expanded consciousness capable of comprehending holistic events 
provide valid peer-reviewed scientific arguments contrary to McPherson's 


 email:  ..members of Mother Divine and to Members of Purusha and every person 
who was close to Maharishi (MMY) confided in us that  foretold that the 
impending phase-transition from Kali-Yuga into full blown Sat-Yuga would occur 
between 2020 and 2025 at which time MMY said that chaos would reign in the 
streets of the world like a living nightmare too horrible to describe.  Oddly 
enough, MMY's predictions seem to coincide in time-space with Dr. McPherson's 
which in my mind provides a valence of creedence to McPherson's predicted 


 reply email: Good luck to any serious, rational, science-based person trying 
to debunk the science now! There are more peer-reviewed journal hot links than 
one could click on and read through in a week!

 P.S. The 69 Self-Reinforcing Climate Feedback Loops all with hot links start 
about half-way down the essay.


 wrote :

 Maharishi would host/promote symposia to consider matters.  Inviting speakers 
and papers. Conversation. Consideration.

 Radical Change is happening Now: Rapid Climate Change
 This needs wider platform for consideration.
 Think of the papers that could be given, the titles..
 A Conference program, published.. Presentations, Presenters... 
 Radical Transcendentalism, Phenomenology and Rapid Climate Change.


 Iowa Farming and Carbon sequestration 

 Greenhouse Agriculture in a Hot House

 Public Policy and Transportation

 Earth Science

 Architecture and Global Warming. Designing for a warmer future. 

 Civil Order in a Changing World. 

 Global Economies and Meteorology, Changes in Iowa



 .a same kind of anti-science discredit they try to pull on meditation 


 FW: emails:  
 reply: Yes, we know that the majority of scientists disagree with Dr. 

 This does not surprise us since we know that precious few if any scientists 
ever accepted Maharishi's scientific work yet we all know the validity of that 
body of evidence. I encourage you to do some personal research by peer reviewed 
published scientific research before you accept the unsubstantiated conclusions 
of others less informed and certainly less validated in their opinions . 

 It is one thing to disagree with Dr. McPherson's hypothesis it is quite 
another to refute the peer reviewed and published scientific papers underlying 
his position.
 "Three years to safeguard our climate"

 "..all in one summary essay on conservation biologist Dr. Guy McPherson's 
website, including links for 69 individual runaway feedback loops. This is the 
Clarion call for transcendence meditators to come together in groups and change 
the catastrophic future of mankind into Heaven on Earth. Everyday matters. climate-chaos/climate-change- summary-and-update/

 P.S. The 69 Self-Reinforcing Feedback Loops all with hot links to the peer 
review research start about half-way down the essay."

 FW: Paradigm Change..the last week in May atmospheric scientists at:  reported a huge albeit 
temporary spike in Methane gas release in the northern hemisphere. This 
indicated to us that we may not even have 1-3 years before the 'preverbal SHIT 
hits the fan' as Dr. McPherson so aptly referred to what is about to unfold. 

 FW email: "..Finally we must inspire and motivate those present that 
collective consciousness can and must alter this apparent scientific 
inevitability of climate change.  Now is the final call for our consciousness 
based community to rally together in large groups to routinely do their 
meditation practices."

 An Irony is that climate change peer review science and meditation peer review 
science are both met with the same strategies of character assassination, 
assertions by false truth, posing doubt about the economy being able to afford 
remediation and skepticisms sown about science in whether correlation means 
causation. In the same way that the scientists of meditation have known the 
hateful works of the deniers the same strategies carried out by the same kind 
of anti-science people and ideologies the meditation scientists can have a lot 
of empathy for climate change scientists by shared experience.

 Public Policy should be driven by Science. Considering the science of climate 
change and science of meditation it is worth making a stand in human life.
 "Live urgently: meditate now! The end is plainly very near!" 
 We can contribute spirituality in to the rational consideration of of the 
consequent of Arctic Ice Melt.

 Considering Human life brings up spirituality right away.
 Such overwhelming fatalism like the climate science gives will bring 
 the push back of materialistic nihilism. Spirituality then as we know it in 
 meditational experience is the antidote to all that of 'nothing of purpose' and
 materialistic thinking.
 The meditating community has its work cut out for it with the
 reaction to the stark climate research. The argument is rational.


 "Doom sayers"? Not entirely, some scientists are quite rational and spiritual. 
We see the same kind of anti-science character discredit with the climate peer 
review science that establishment ideologies try to pull on meditation peer 
review science research.

 Yes, Prof. Guy McPherson's peer review based earth science just may not be 
rationally fluent with the spiritual side of the  science like the broader 
meditation peer review research offers. 

 He has responded positively to an invitation to come to a climate change a 
conference symposium at Maharishi University of Management to consider related 
matters. He seems an extremely compassionate rational guy who ought to be part 
of a conversation about public policy. 

 These doom sayers are forgetting the Almighty Power of Being which is the 
source of  life, love and the bliss for sentient beings in the entire universe 
or multiverse.  They've limited their view based on frail human understanding 
and intelligence.

 Paradigm Change: Runaway Global Climate

 Arctic Ice Melt and the Paradigms Shift..
 Interview with Conservation Biologist Dr. McPherson – Mankind Will Be Extinct 
in 8 Years or Less h










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