MMY warned that the speed and success with which we go through the imminent 
transition-phase on Earth is directly dependent on actions taken by the 
community of TM and TM Sidhi Meditators, Governors, Mother Divine and Purusha.

 “There are seven days a week, someday is not one of them.” Live like we are 
dying, let us live with urgency because the situation is urgent. Live like we 
are pursuing excellence in a culture of mediocrity. As if we are pursuing love 
in a culture of indifference because those things matter. They do not matter in 
terms of turning the ship around. The notion that love being able to turn 
around a system, a system rooted in indifference for generations back is 
ludicrous. We are not going to be able to fix this. All we can do is as 
individuals within a tribe (a group meditaton). Let us act like the tribe 
matters. Act as if your own lives matter and treat ourselves and treat others 
with respect. At the edge of extinction only love remains."  -McPherson


 The human life, a rare opportunity.. 

 From Swami Brahmananda Saraswati
 (Maharishi’s Teacher, Guru Dev)
 Teaching #67 
 A Human Birth Is A Rare Thing..
 Now that you have obtained a human body, you should not hold open the 
possibility that you will come back again to the womb. There is no point to 
human life if you return again and again to the womb, and the purpose of human 
birth has not been served.  
 Individual jãvas are infinite in number, but according to the Puràṇas there 
are 8,400,000 different species. The jãva evolves through this 8,400,000 
species, and then attains a human body.   Envision a big circular compound 
composed of 8,400,000 cells. A blind man has been living in one block and wants 
to come out. Thinking that there must be a door somewhere, he guides himself 
along the wall, going from one cell to another. Just as he reaches the gate, he 
removes his hand from the wall to scratch an itch, and he misses the gate by 
walking further.  
 The secret behind this story is that the blind person is the jãva and the 
cells are the 8,400,000 species. The human species is the way to emerge from 
this cycle. When jãva comes to the gate, that is the human species, he starts 
enjoying wealth, women, children, etc., which is the itching. Like the blind 
man, he misses the purpose of the human species by wasting time scratching his 
 øàstras says again and again that a human birth is very rare. This does not 
mean that when we get this rare human body we should pursue wealth, children, 
and the enjoyment of maximum worldly pleasure. Then there would be no point in 
the human birth being rare. Humanity is the karma species and other animals 
(like insects and birds) are the enjoyment (bhoga) species. In the bhoga 
species, there is no accounting for actions. But whatever action jãva 
undertakes with the help of a human body will be taken into account and there 
will be a result of every action. Therefore the human species is very difficult 
to attain. After transmigrating through 8,400,000 bhoga species we get this 
human body. Having gained this human body, we can perform such actions as will 
help to escape the cycle of birth and death so that the wandering of jãva will 
come to an end and there will be no further chance to suffer in mother's womb. 

 Even the gods (devas) also desire to have a human body, because the human 
species is like molten gold. Ornaments are not made of pure gold. With a good 
goldsmith, one can turn gold into valuable ornaments. Such an ornament can 
raise the value of the gold to the highest level. Gods in heaven are more like 
such ornaments than they are like pure gold. Once an ornament is made, the 
value of that gold is fixed. The human species is like pure gold. If he finds 
the perfect goldsmith, he can attain infinite bliss, experience Parabrahma 
directly, or he can become Paramàtmà itself, and if this happens, birth as a 
human being is fulfilled.

---In, <> wrote :

 It is an amazing opportunity for a soul, for consciousness incarnate to have, 
to get a human lifetime. 
 Spirituality may not be someone’s ontological sense of experience but okay the 
global climate change science becomes this sobering spiritual reminder as we 
look at it in contrast to so much of rampant materialism and development of the 
modern world since 1870 that is so related to the atmosphere of global climate 
 It is an amazingly narrow atmospheric bandwidth that we human kind (& 
multicellular life) can exist in and live in on earth (basic 8th grade earth 
science). The adage for humanity then comes, “Make hay while the sun shines”, 
spirituality comes up in to mind. Now comes a time to do what you know to do, 
the ‘knowers of reality’,  to meditate, meditate, meditate. Not just some 
consciousness development but cultivate the spiritual soul, in the heart of a 
human incarnation in life. This then gets pointed to as an action in life, 
while you have a life. 

 Yes, what we are finding with this, with the global climate science, is that 
people seem to turn to their spiritual state as they face more certainly with 
their mortality. It is interesting to see how people come to spiritual matters 
as they come to understand the circumstance of such the magnitude of change 
portended by the science. 

Archonangel writes:

 Do I have to be concerned about climate change? The devastating predictions, 
if true, will come after this body is dead and gone. And now we have people in 
government, who cannot comprehend the vast body of scientific research on 
climate change. How would you expect them to understand the piddling small 
studies about consciousness and its potential relationship with human behavior 
and intelligence?


 Some ‘in the mind’ intellectualizing may doubt the spiritual life for some 
lack of experience and may disrespect the effect of spiritual practice in life. 
But no, the question is not necessarily how could consciousness sequester 
carbon from the atmosphere given the face of the global climate change science 
but it quickly becomes what is someone, anyone, doing with a human lifetime 
while they have it as while resident in the human species for a moment while 
this species exists on earth? 



 On Wednesday, July 4, 2018, 2:53:24 PM GMT, 
[FairfieldLife] <> wrote:


   Clearly, as we are in the face now of runaway global climate change live 
with urgency. Jai Guru Dev, 


 . FW mail: 

 ..In such a science-based and spiritual community as ours, where we have had 
decades of frustrating experience in attempting to have other scientists 
appreciate the Paradigm changing research that was peer published in scientific 
journals about Transcendental Meditation and the TM Siddhi's Program, 
 it is our hope that our professors and scientists, and community are willing 
and open minded enough to accept the validity of another Paradigm changing 
concept, that paradigm change being the imminent unstoppable near-term 
annihilation of the global human habitat based on copious volumes of 
peer-reviewed published research.


 Paradigm Change: Runaway Global Climate

 Arctic Ice Melt and the Paradigms Shift..
 Interview with Conservation Biologist Dr. McPherson – Mankind Will Be Extinct 
in 8 Years or Less h



 FW: is a brief list of a few of the brilliant scientific minds of our time 
who totally agree with Dr. McPherson. I am sure some of these infamous 
scientists hold positions of credibility in your awareness. 

 Frank Fenner (June 2010) 
us/honour-roll/frank-fenner Malcolm Light 
(February 2012) Louise Leakey (July 2013) Richard Leakey (December 2013) Neil 
Dawes (August 2013 Sir Bob Geldorf (October 2013) Sam Carana (November 2013) 
John Feffer (April 2014) Noam Chomsky (June 2014) Larry Schwartz (July 2014) 
Ken Rose (July 2014) Jennifer Hynes (August 2014) Also
 Paul Beckwith - Professor in climatology; working on Ph.D. in abrupt climate 
change (Department of Geography; 
Laboratory for Paleoclimatology and Climatology) at University of Ottawa, 
 Biologist Paul R. Ehrlich - Professor of Population Studies of the Department 
of Biology of Stanford University and

 president of Stanford's Center for Conservation Biology

 Reply email: Governors and Sidhas who are not taking Super Radiance meditation 
as important because most of them have been ostracized and disillusioned by the 
movement. And many of those who haven’t are not looking terribly healthy or 

 With the Dome meditation attendance having fallen to be so low there is a 
serious questioning about the endurance of the Dome group meditation in 
Fairfield.  This Wedsnesday meeting becomes an important way post in the 
journey of the meditating community in Fairfield, Iowa.


 Subject. Communal Meeting this Weds. 
 Phoenix Rising Hall (Burlington and 3rd).
 7:30 PM,
 Maharishi Effect: Fact or Fiction?
 David Orme-Johnson, PhD, a leading long-time scientific researcher in the 
Maharishi Effect, invites you.

 FW email:
 I don't feel climate change is (necessarily) scary. It can be sufficiently 
controlled mainly (not only) by higher Super-Radiance (SR) attendance. 
 My concern has to do with Movement Governors and Sidhas who are not taking SR 
as important as it is, not prioritizing it as much as they could. There is more 
power in SR than in the people doing the climate change, gmo, vaccinations, 
pharmaceuticals, and electromag, etc. 
 Takes a lot of integration to see through.

 Archer Anangel wrote : 

 Yes there is some good science in meditation research, but seemingly there is 
not much.

 Perhaps 1% of the studies meet the gold standard. So out of 700 studies you 
have seven that are really decent.

 As the quality of the journal published in goes down, so does the quality of 
peer review. There are top-level scientists, mid-level scientists, and 
incompetent scientists. 

 So peer review is a check on quality only if you have good quality reviewers 
and statisticians to check the math. Really bad quality journals are pay for 
play, and you can get published even if the study is highly flawed, and the 
paper may not get any peer review.

 Meditation studies are a niche market within the field of consciousness 
studies, and are typically associated with various religious-based movements 
which are not the best mental platforms on which to implement impartial 

 Because most of the meditation research is bad, the baby is getting thrown out 
with the bath water.

 Climate science is much more advanced and there is wide consensus that climate 
change is a serious problem if you ignore politicians and political views. 
Science on meditation is far behind in getting the kind of consensus we have 
with climate change. It is the result of a bad approach, using science for 
marketing rather than knowledge.

 Promoting bad science in the name of meditation is like offering rotten 
vegetables in the market. If we like meditation and it benefits us, that does 
not give us the ability to evaluate the science. Subjective experience and 
emotion and the results of scientific experiments are often at odds.

 The best we can say now is meditation looks promising but more research is 
needed. It is when non-meditating scientists in droves come into the consensual 
fold that meditation is good for something, then is the point when the case can 
be made.

 This is not cynicism, this is the state of affairs. Meditation is great. It is 
for self-realization. If you are doing meditation for some other reason, you 
are already halfway to failure. Blame it on Western culture which does not have 
a good social underpinning for this kind of practice.


 Actually there is some lot of good science in it, meditation. Peer review. 
What? Like the global climate science, what, 'all the science is no good 
because some of the science is no good'? 

 That is what the cynicism offers. That one title said that way in that journal 
is certainly evil,’Throw it all out because some is bad, poorly done’. This and 
someone saying it sounds so rational and intellectual except, like tossing in a 
Trumpism, the underlying assertion is simply not entirely true, a fake news 
headline in itself. 


 Archer Angel writes,



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