Title: How I learned TM
Just wrote this to a friend. Thought I’d get more mileage of out it and post it here:

I had been aware of enlightenment for about a year and seeking it in a muddled way through drugs. One night I was tripping on LSD for about the 25th time, alone in my room, and I started reading Zen Flesh, Zen Bones to steady my mind. The thought struck me like a thunderbolt: "These guys were really serious, and I'm just screwing around. If I keep this up I'll live a miserable life. That's it. I'm going to stop taking drugs and learn Transcendental Meditation and see what happens." I did heroin during my 15-day "abstinence," figuring that it would be metabolized more quickly than other drugs. I was living with some people in New Jersey and they drove me to the George Washington bridge. I walked across, took a subway downtown, walked across Central Park, and arrived at the TM center on E. 78th street with no money, no flowers, no fruit, and no handkerchief. I figured that those things were relative and if these people were really enlightened, they wouldn't care. They sent me home. Back across the park, uptown on the subway, walk across the bridge. Got a ride back to Franklin Lakes. That night I called my father and said, "Dad, I haven't taken drugs in two weeks and I need $35 to learn meditation. It's going to be the best $35 you've ever spent on me. He said OK, so someone drove me to the NY State Thruway and I hitchhiked home, walking across the Tappan Zee Bridge and most of Westchester. Got home around 4am, got a little sleep, my dad rushed me to the train station, missed the train, called the TM center, they said take the next train, got into Grand Central, walked up to 78th street, and got initiated during a huge thunderstorm. Transcended clearly and had a wonderful meditation. Haven't missed one since. Within two weeks I had cut my hair, gotten a job, and gotten back into school. Never took drugs again.

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Maharishi university of management Maharishi mahesh yogi Ramana maharshi


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