Title: Rule for DNR discretionary authority
See call to action at the bottom.

------ Forwarded Message
From: Francis Thicke <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Mon, 2 Jan 2006 09:27:28 -0600
To: 'Francis Thicke' <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Rule for DNR discretionary authority

Thanks to all who sent emails to the Environmental Protection Commission in support of the proposed rule that would give the DNR greater discretionary authority to modify or deny CAFO permits and Manure Management Plans.  This has been the most overwhelming show of support for an issue I have seen during my time on the EPC.  We received over 100 emails; all but two were in favor of the new rule.
Since most of you urged the EPC to pass the rule on an emergency basis at our December meeting, I wanted to let you know why we did not.  If you remember, the DNR had originally proposed the new rule on an emergency track, but subsequently withdrew the emergency status in order to keep the debate focused on the merits of the rule rather than the procedure used to set the rule.  My first inclination was to try to reinstate the emergency status of the rule, but after conferring with people familiar with the workings of the Legislature, I realized that even if it were possible to get enough EPC votes to do so, that action would be risky—it could very well give the Legislature enough ammunition to throw out the rule entirely.
As it stands now, the EPC will vote on a “Notice of Intended Action” on the proposed rule at our Jan. 17th meeting.  I expect that vote to be positive, which will start the proposed rule through the normal procedure of public comments, possible revisions, and a vote on the final rule—which will probably happen sometime around April.
Please bear in mind that if this rule passes (and is not nixed by the Legislature) it will by no means be a final answer to concerns about problems with confinement facilities.  The new rule would only apply to the most egregious environmental threats of confinements; it would not allow permits to be modified or denied because of odor or other air quality problems. But, the rule is a good first step.
I urge you to continue to work towards the next step—which in my mind is for the Legislature to reinstate the option for local control over confinement facilities.  To accomplish that will require us to put a lot more pressure on our legislators—to counterbalance the influence of agribusiness special interests.  To that end, I point you toward a unique opportunity: the Des Moines Register is soliciting letters to the editor on issues you think the Legislature should work on in the 2006 session (the notice from the Register is pasted below).   Please take a few minutes to email a letter to the Register on what you think the Legislature should do to address the hog confinement issue (e.g., local control, moratorium, air quality standards). Obviously, the Register will not be able to print all letters, but a good showing will certainly get some of your letters published, and will demonstrate to the Register that there is a lot of support for change.  (The Register has recently raised a stronger voice for resolving problems caused by the livestock industry in Iowa.)
Please note that the deadline for a letter to the Register is tomorrow, Jan. 3.  Your letter only needs to be a couple of sentences long.
Thank You.
Francis Thicke
>From the Register:
Here's your chance to set Iowa's agenda

Come Jan. 9, Iowa legislators will return to Des Moines for the 2006 session. What should they spend their time working on? Education? Health care? Public safety? Economic development? The death penalty?

Go ahead, give them a piece of your mind. Send us a short letter to the editor, 100 words or fewer, by Tuesday, Jan. 3. We'll consider it for publication in the Sunday Register on Jan. 8 or for posting online.


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