In the yogic tradition, there are three kinds of bondage, " trividho bandhah"--two of them are vaikrtika bandha, renunciates becoming attached to objects of comfort and dakshina bandha renunciates who become dependent on money from lay people. These are warning signs that a renunciate is still in bondage.

On Jan 6, 2006, at 9:11 AM, Premanand Paul Mason wrote:

Guru Dev's lifestyle, organisation and methods of gaining welfare as 

depicted in his published biographies (listed below), are at variants 

with the descriptions recently offered by 'off_world_beings'.

It is particularly interesting to note the stories of Guru Dev 

outrightly refusing material donations to his ashram. If fact he 

gained the title 'Ananta Shree Vibhushit' - Adorned with Limitless 

Wealth - because of the mysterious way his life appeared supported in 

all respects.

'Shri Jyotishpeethaddharaka' 

by Shri Rameshwar Prasad Tiwari, 1965

- The lifestory of Shankaracharya Swami Brahmananda Saraswati in Hindi

'The Whole Thing The Real Thing' by Prem C Pasricha, 1977

- English language 'transcreation' of Tiwari's Hindi biography 

'Strange Facts About A Great Saint' by Raj R P Varma, 1980

- Personalised English language version of Tiwari's Hindi biography 

of Shankaracharya Swami Brahmanand Saraswati, and quotations, 

translated extracts of 'Amrita-Kana'

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