On Feb 26, 2006, at 1:04 PM, lurkernomore20002000 wrote:

The "buzz" about St. Germaine is about as wild as you are likely to 

find.  It makes for a great story whether it's true or not.  I am not 

an expert by a long shot, but one version has St. Germain being the 

soul who discovered America as Christoper Columbus, writing the plays 

attritbuted to Shakespear, I believe as Thomas (?) Bacon, serving as 

our first US President as George Washington, and most recently as Guy 

Ballard of the St. Germaine Foundation, to name just a few. And it is 

said Ballards Wife, Edna, was previously Benjamen Franklin.  I WILL 

SAY THIS, when you look at Photos of Guy and Edna, they bear a 

striking resemblence to these two historical figures.

For a fascinating and authoritative investigation of the Comte St. Germaine, I highly recommend Raphael Patai's _The Jewish Alchemists_ which has an entire chapter on him. Fascinating!

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