> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "hgiammarco" <HEYPHILA@> wrote: > > > > > > Why does T/M cost so much to join? A little help?
> >sparaig wrote: > > MMY decided to target the elite since they are the most > > influential members of society and most likely to be able > > to donate large sums of money if they are so inclined. > Turquoise B wrote: > And as a result of this focus, the number of people > learning TM has plunged to near-zero worldwide, > indicating that what Maharishi seems to be most > interested in is money, and *not* in helping people > by teaching them a valuable technique of meditation. Actually, altho MMY may be very interested in money, he would be making more by allowing teachers of TM to teach the technique for much less than thte current $2500 fee in the USA. Instruction would pickup world-wide and the TMO would have more income. I suspect he is making enough from selling real estate and from the "donations" that people make to become raja's - costs a fortune (a million dollars per person) and is simple and not time consuming to have a raja course. I know that MMY has been told by many teachers and higher ups in the TMO, over the last few years, that more people would learn TM if the price were reduced, and that the TMO would make more money if the price were reduced. MMY is adament that the price stay high, unyeilding about this. l I have heard some teachers still involved say that they think MMY does not really want many people to learn TM anymore, that is no longer his goal. Or only the rich. Why? Who knows. > An interesting "test case" seems to be about to take > place in the Florida courts, in which the organization > that claims it wants to spread TM to as many people as > possible is suing a TM teacher who is teaching TM for > the price he's always taught it. > > He has not only refused to raise his prices because the > TM organization demands that he do so, he has refused > to pay that organization several thousand dollars to > be "recertified" at teaching something he was fully > certified to teach years ago. It should be interesting > to see how the TM organization defends its position in > court. > > The fascinating exchange in that case, in my opinion, is > going to be when the fellow's lawyer asks the "official, > recertified" teachers, under oath, how many people have > been instructed in TM *in the entire world* in the last > year at the "official" price, and that number turns out > to be less than the number of people that the teacher > they are suing has taught in one small town in Florida > during the same period. Not really - there are people learning in big cities like LA, chicago and Manhattan. Not many, but a few every few months. And David Lynch's education foundation which pays for young students to learn TM has resulted in at least a few hundred initiations so far (most are underpriveleged students who are in bad situations, which is why their schools agree to allow TM in the first place). There are also a few students learning at each campus after he speaks there. > > The bottom line is that "TM" is just a brand name for a > made-up technique of meditation that is (in my opinion > as a former TM teacher) no better than any other tech- > nique of meditation, less effective than many, and more > likely to produce negative side effects than most. Shop > around...you'll find that there are people out there who > still care more about helping people by teaching them a > useful technique of meditation for free or at a reason- > able price than they care about making money. But you > won't find them in the TM movement. > ------------------------ Yahoo! Groups Sponsor --------------------~--> Join modern day disciples reach the disfigured and poor with hope and healing http://us.click.yahoo.com/lMct6A/Vp3LAA/i1hLAA/UlWolB/TM --------------------------------------------------------------------~-> To subscribe, send a message to: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Or go to: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/FairfieldLife/ and click 'Join This Group!' Yahoo! Groups Links <*> To visit your group on the web, go to: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/FairfieldLife/ <*> To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to: [EMAIL PROTECTED] <*> Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to: http://docs.yahoo.com/info/terms/