Please Note, the Vanarahs of Monkeys are incarnations of Devas.  Vali was the incarnation of indra the king of the Devas.  Hanuman incarnation of Vayu and so on.
   Ravana got a boon from Shiva that no celestial could kill him.  So the Devas incarnated themselves as Monkeys to assist Vishnu who incarnated as Rama.  Note that these were not ordinary animals.  They were intellectual and supernatural beings.

Marek Reavis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Date: Mon, 06 Mar 2006 15:20:15 -0000
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Fake Gurus and the Attack of the Asuras
  Another take on Westerners seeking Indian wisdom was expressed more than once by Nisargadatta in the following way.  He said that the
Westerners had been soldiers in Lord Rama's monkey army; and that as
their reward in assisting Rama in rescuing Sita they were reincarnated
in the West where they could easily indulge their monkey desires -- lots of food, sex, and fighting.  He said, however, that when the monkeys begin to tire of their reward, they come back to India in search of Rama. 

  Nisargadatta said on more than one occassion that he preferred to
speak with Westerners rather than with Indians because the Westerners
were more sincere.

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