> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "jim_flanegin" <jflanegi@>
> >
> > He's down to 33%, on Fox, which as most know is an organization
> > favors the Republican Party. Free fall...
> >
> > Interesting to watch his body language while meeting with the
> > Premier today. Definitely the weak one. Choppy, hesitant, and
> > He has definitely lost his way.
> >
> Lost??? As if he ever had!
Right. He has just been the cheerleader for the Neocons, who
everyone is realizing had ideas that, as we say, "looked good on
paper", but have now been thoroughly discredited when put into
practice. Why? Because they are based on flawed, simplistic models
of human interaction and reasoning. As someone I know likes to
say, "Too much self-referencing".
This is why, initially, Bush's platform gained wide support. The
ideas and concepts were simple; tax cuts and pre-emptive war, might
is right and trickle down economics, corporate benefit equals
federal law.
Now that it is all being unmasked for the pap that it was, people's
bubbles are bursting and they feel indignant. The cult of
personality is dissolving. And its only going to get better.
In a way, Bush II is everything the Neocons wanted after Reagan, and
instead they got his dad, who although willing to play dirty, was
not quite as arrogant, unprincipled, and uncultured as his son.
Bush II's record should make it nearly impossible to repeat the
stunt a third time, at least for the forseeable future.
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