--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "lurkernomore20002000"
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, t3rinity <no_reply@> wrote:
> >
> > Never lose an opportunity trying to trash TMers, what a phoney
> > act, Barry. Actually I am disappointed by you Barry, you are
> > deteriorating quickly, I remember you were somewhat better 2-3
> > years back. Now you appear to be just a sad old cynic. No love,
> > no compassion, just trashing others spiritual path you fell
> > superior to.
> I think Barry has made entirely balanced responses to people
> questioning his experiences with Lenz.  Nothing seems to push
> people's buttons as much as Barry's, (and others), first hand
> experiences of levitation.

It's not Barry's purported experience with levitation
that folks find annoying, it's his pretensions to
spiritual superiority on the grounds of having had
such experiences.

Jim related some amazing experiences of prolonged
communication with Guru Dev awhile back.  I don't
recall that having pushed anybody's buttons.  But
then Jim didn't pretend those experiences made him
superior to anybody else.

  Whenever it comes up, Shemp and others roll out their
> heavy artillery.  It is kind of fun to see.  Then the barrage
> begins.  Usually goes on for about 50 posts.  I'll be the first to
> admit that I am suceptible to some far fetched theories, but
> interviews I have heard of Lenz's and articles I have read indicate
> to me that he was an extrodinary person. I have no problem with his
> levitation.  By the way Bob, isn't levitation one of the siddhis
> taught by MMY?  Are all eports of levition witnessed by people
> current and past fabrications?
> lurk
> >

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