> Note his response about the future of the TM org. It doesn't endorse the
> rigid structure that currently pervades the TM org.. I think that
this quote
> will be referred to quite alot after MMY passes on in refuting the
> that the TM org will try to exert at that time.


> Question: The Future of the TM Movement

> Mr Jones: 'I do not know precisely what age you are, but clearly you
> not live forever, like any of us.
> What will happen to the TM Movement when you pass on? Do you have
> in mind? Do you need a
> successor to be a figurehead of the Movement or how will it work?'
> Maharishi: 'It does not work on the individual level; it works on a
> level, which is expressed in the
> individual. A body is to pass on, but Transcendental Meditation is
not my
> creation. Transcendental
> Meditation has been throughout the ages since time immemorial. The
> unmanifest, self-referral, Unified
> Field is Transcendental Meditation. People forget about it; someone
comes to
> say it is there with you.
> He passes away. This passing away is not of any importance. We do
not give
> importance to the
> individual. We give importance to the transcendental reality, which
> transcends the individual and
> establishes the universal, eternal oneness of Being.
> 'A man speaks on it in these years, and another man speaks on this
in that
> year. So it is not the
> individual; it is the same reality that is eternal. It is being
spoken by
> those who like to enjoy speaking
> about it. I am not thinking of my life or death or this. I am
thinking that
> Transcendental Meditation has
> now very properly come to bless nations as a whole, to bless the unified
> value of all nations at a time when
> all the people of the world‹all your intelligent people I mean‹are
> to find a solution. This
> gives a solution to them.'

I'm not sure this statement foreshadows less rigidity in TMO after MMY
dies.  I remember MMY talking like this in the 70s - but that didn't
stopped the tmo's trend towards rigidity.  People will remember the
structure and attitudes MMY leaves behind, not isolated quotes.

I think people with the more liberal attitude reflected in the above
quote have pretty much left the tmo, leaving the more fundamentalist
in charge.  I don't see them getting more liberal after he dies.  If
anything people get more rigid after a religious founder dies, don't
they?  - they fearfully cling even stronger to specific rules, dogmas
and rituals, trying to maintain the distinctive definition of their
group against outside contamination. 

I just can't see Bevan and the nephews loosen up their thinking after
MMY goes.  Bevan will definitely get more rigid in enforcing adherence
to the "purity of the teaching" and the nephews will be busy tracking
their net worth.

Has any religion grown more universal and cosmic after the founder
saint died?

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Maharishi university of management Maharishi mahesh yogi Ramana maharshi


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