--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "feste37" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Barry makes some interesting points about an
> alternative approach to enlightenment, but his
> unpleasant tone regarding the beliefs of others is
> very off-putting and makes one doubt the validity
> of his own "enlightenment."

Just for the record, I have never claimed enlightenment.
I've had a few nice experiences that I personally put
into that general category of experience, but that's
all I'll cop to...having had a few neat experiences.

> I agree also that his presentation of the TM approach 
> is a caricature. 

In my considered opinion, it's anything but...I
think it's pretty damned accurate.

My time on FFL has been a real shock to me in
some ways as I've come to realize how many people
are so locked into the TM paradigms that they have
trouble even *conceiving* of others.  There are
notable exceptions, and they are pleasant when I
encounter them, but in general I stand by what I
said earlier today.

Sometimes the Fundamentalist words and tone used
here make it seem as if the posters have actually
come to view effort or the use of intention as some
kind of sin.  It's fascinating...there are times
when reading FFL is like reading stuff written by
the tightasses who wrote the Old Testament.  :-)

I guess that falls into the "unpleasant" category
again, but there you jolly well are, aren't you?
If you don't like what I have to say, might I
recommend killfiles or the judicious use of the
NEXT key? 

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