In a message dated 5/4/06 2:49:45 P.M. Central Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
We *should* be giving them the best psychiatric
treatment, and if they can show that they've been
healed, and can express genuine remorse, we might
consider freeing them.  But at this point the only
option is to keep them locked up, not for
punishment but for society's protection.

I would rather Not take their word for it that he has been *genuinely* healed and genuine remorse can be too easily faked. We see criminals let out all the time that go right back and repeat the same crime. This guy is too dangerous to society to take such a chance. He needs to rot in his own personal hell on earth and be an example to every other terrorist what could be their fate.

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Maharishi university of management Maharishi mahesh yogi Ramana maharshi


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