--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> In a message dated 5/4/06 2:49:45 P.M. Central Daylight Time, 
> We  *should* be giving them the best psychiatric
> treatment, and if they can  show that they've been
> healed, and can express genuine remorse, we  might
> consider freeing them.  But at this point the only
> option is  to keep them locked up, not for
> punishment but for society's  protection.
> I would rather Not take their word for it that he has been
> *genuinely* healed and genuine remorse can be too easily faked.

No, I'd want corroboration from psychiatric
experts, a great deal of it with someone as
potentially dangerous as Moussaoui.

We see criminals  let out all
> the time that go right back and repeat the same crime.

Rarely have they had extensive psychiatric
treatment, though, which is an indispensable
part of what I suggested.

This guy is  too
> dangerous to society to take such a chance.

There are folks at least as dangerous walking around
free as a bird.  We won't know how dangerous they
are until they actually *do* something.

He needs to rot in his
> own  personal hell on earth and be an example to every other
> terrorist what could be  their fate.

Oh, nonsense.  Long prison terms don't deter determined
terrorists.  What you want is *vengeance*.

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Maharishi university of management Maharishi mahesh yogi Ramana maharshi


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