You've no idea what Massaoui will be like in 10, 20, 30 or 40 years. To
condemn someone of 37 to a life in a dungeon with almost no human contact
is out of all proportion to the offense. People can change. You seem to be
saying two things here. First, lock them up forever; second, if they show
genuine remorse, consider freeing them. Massaoui has no such option. He
could become as saintly as Mother Teresa but it wouldn't do him any good in
that hell-hole. This guy needs help, which of course is anathema to those on
this board who relish the idea of vengeance.

--- In, "authfriend" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> > Life without parole is an inhuman punishment.
> Until we discover ways to successfully rehabilitate
> nutcases like Moussaoui who want to murder innocent
> people en masse, they need to be kept away from
> society.
> We *should* be giving them the best psychiatric
> treatment, and if they can show that they've been
> healed, and can express genuine remorse, we might
> consider freeing them.  But at this point the only
> option is to keep them locked up, not for
> punishment but for society's protection.

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Maharishi university of management Maharishi mahesh yogi Ramana maharshi


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