--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "sparaig" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj <vajranatha@> wrote:
> >
> >
> > On May 21, 2006, at 4:12 AM, sparaig wrote:
> > 
> > >
> > > Domash, IIRC, ... but
> > > he didn't buy into MMY's ideas about Quantum Mechanics.

That sounds quite funny, "MMY's ideas about Quantum Mechanics". MMY
was was not talking in detail about QM, he left that to Domash -- and
in that era also to a lesser degree Alex Hankey and ???
whats-his-name. Larry and co. developed a lot of analogies and
paralells to SCI/Consciousness from QM, releativity and  other aspects
of modern physics. Larry certainly "bought" into the analogies and
parallels -- he created them

I observed that where there was as gentle rift was M's growing series
of proclamations, 1974-76+, that the infinite potential of  the
quantum field aka, later, the Vacuum State, was not just a good
analogy and parlallel to Consciousness, it WAS Consciousness. He held
that the QM equations were describing Consciousness itself. Thats the
idea Larry originally had some difficulty publically supporting.
Though he moved closer to it via investigating and providing
supporting materials, I am not clear that he ever fully subscribed to
it. And if he did, I would not think that he still does.

> > Neither did Hagelin till he was told "make it work, or you're out
of here".

By tweaking string theroy to make it more vedic, as brought up in an
adjacent post, does not indicate that John believed then that the
Unified Field IS Consciousness.

Though curently he appears to, at last publically, make that case or
one close to it. Anyone closely parsed his language for wiggle room?

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Maharishi university of management Maharishi mahesh yogi Ramana maharshi


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