--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> In a message dated 5/24/06 4:49:10 P.M. Central Daylight Time, 
> > As has  happened in Fairfield?
> Much worse. Smith Center is a much smaller town and it looks
> like the TMO will be bringing in a much larger percentage of
> people to Smith Center than they did to Fairfield. Also the
> people of Fairfield were introduced to very straight looking
> people at first, not people wearing robes, crowns and  saris.
> My prediction is, over the years, a large percentage of the
> original town folk will leave as more and more TMO people
> move in.

But not all of them. And that provides an interesting
dynamic, if it remains relatively peaceable. There was
such a polarity in Santa Fe. As American cities go, it
far predates America. Santa Fe was a capital 200 years
before America was a country, and some of the folks
there can name their ancestors back 400 years or more,
in the same place. The Native Americans go back consid-
erably further; they've been there for 7000 years.

I currently live in such a place, a small (2000 people,
purportedly representing over 100 countries) medieval
village in the south of France. I was walking with a
friend the other day and we wound up walking with
an old woman (70+) who has lived here all her life.
We are both relative newcomers -- Tony has been here
only ten years and me fewer than that many months.
Because it had been a topic of conversation at the
cafe we were coming from, Tony asked her as we walked,
"So what do you think of all the foreigners who have
moved here?"

She shrugged and said, "Oh, the Quissacois...yes, we've
had to deal with them for some time."

Quissac is the next village, ten kilometers away.

And yet here we all are, 'foreigners' from the next
village or the next continent, all learning from each
other, one way or another. It's fun here...maybe it'll
work out in Smith Center.

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Maharishi university of management Maharishi mahesh yogi Ramana maharshi


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