Title: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Maharishi's name
on 6/29/06 8:50 PM, off_world_beings at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com <mailto:FairfieldLife%40yahoogroups.com> , Rick Archer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> on 6/29/06 8:19 PM, off_world_beings at [EMAIL PROTECTED] <mailto:no_reply%40yahoogroups.com>  
> > You got nothing. You are just looking for attention, but will find
> > something to make up that is totally unsubstantiated and
> > uncorroborated by the majority of the people who were there.
> >
> That’s true, because the majority who were there weren’t in the inner
> circle. But those in the inner circle soon learned that MMY’s
private and
> public personae were quite different. This discovery caused the
majority of
> MMY’s personal secretaries to leave the movement.>>>

That he was very demanding of the people around is not new news to
anyone on the movement. Everyone knows this. Nobody cares. Those who
are close to him either stay with him or leave. He doesn't care. Only
the ego cares.

I’m not talking about demanding. I’m talking about ethical and rational shortcomings that most people either skirted, rejected (and left) or attuned to, becoming unethical and irrational themselves. __._,_.___

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