Title: FW: Help Please!

------ Forwarded Message
Date: Fri, 30 Jun 2006 09:05:08 -0500
To: Rick Archer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Help Please!

Hi Rick, I wonder if you would post this at FFLife? Thanks.

Dear Peeps, this is Kirk from New Orleans. Many of you know me, or if not I have been on these newsgroups for years.  I have never asked for anything. So as many know some people are just returning to their ruins after Katrina, and I just found out my best friend has returned. He was working offshore. He is poor, black, and lives in an area that was decimated called Hollygrove. His heriditary house had six feet of water. He lives there now amidst the mildew and squalor, trying to get his life back. There is no front door left and windows were bashed out.  He has nothing but a gas range that still works.

He gets his water from a watermain in the street. He has no power in his area yet. Whatever funds he had from offshore work were spent just to get back home after a year away. I need to get him food, paper goods to eat off of, toiletries, and help him get his water turned on and everything else.

He didn't ask me. The fact that he accepts his fate is all the more sad. I literally cried when I saw how he was living. I'm sorry that I don't have enough money to get him slightly settled. Here's a chance for some people to help someone and know that their contribution will go directly to the persons hurting the worst. I'm sorry to ask like this. If anyone wishes to help any funds will go entirely to him. Please Paypal me and know that every cent from this account will go to helping the poorest and most desparate of people that exist in this country. Paypal me anything you can at [EMAIL PROTECTED] We thank you. - Kirk Bernhardt - New Orleans - 6/28/06   

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