Yeah, i find it particularly interesting because he was there and 
can write about it from having been there.  It is an important 
letter that tells us things.  Regardless.

-Doug in FF

--- In, "Bill (William)Simmons" 

> Earl Kaplan: The Truth April 16, 2004  Dear residents of 
> Heavenly Mountain, the Spiritual Center, and whomever else may 
> to read this letter: Over the past several years my brother, his 
> family and I have been attacked verbally, emotionally, spiritually 
> and financially for leaving the TM movement. I have not said 
> during this time, not wanting to fight with anyone. However, I 
> now come to realize, for the sake of those who want to listen and 
> my sake as well, to clear my conscious of all that I have learned, 
> heard and known, that I must share the knowledge that has come to 
> We should all be free to listen to our hearts, to follow our own 
> inner voice and not to be subject to a movement and a so-
> called "spiritual master" who rules through lies, fear and deceit. 
> This letter is really for those of you who have been feeling that 
> something is wrong. Remember in the Matrix when Trinity told Neo 
> had been looking for him because they knew that he could just feel 
> there was something missing, something out of order but he just 
> couldn´t figure out what. Well, that is how it started to be for 
> and TM. I knew something was wrong. I remembered that when I 
> I was promised enlightenment in 5-7 years. I remember in 1975 
> Maharishi promising that now that there were all these governors 
> there would be world peace. I remember in 1977 at the end of the 
> siddhis course Maharishi saying that is was just the hard knots of 
> stress in the environment that needed to be cracked before we all 
> started to fly and that he would call us back in a few years when 
> were ready to take off. I remember in the early 90´s, Maharishi 
> my brother that if we built the spiritual center that he would 
> it up with 1000 Purusha and 1000 Mother Divine. He said as soon as 
> finished the buildings and he moved Purusha and Mother Divine 
> that people would start to fly, they would go into enlightenment. 
> also told me that if I gave him enough money for his India project 
> that he would create a 10,000 group that would bring world peace 
> right away. For 30 years I listened and responded and devotedly 
> donated more money to Maharishi´s project than anyone ever had. I 
> this deep yearning to try to help mankind. I wanted to help create 
> peaceful world and I wanted to gain my own inner enlightenment. I 
> never wanted any public attention and for many years no one even 
> I was the leading donor for the movement. After I had given all 
> money and waited patiently for the results that Maharishi had 
> promised, I started to wake up. I started to realize that I had 
> misled. WE ALL HAD! Where are the 7000 pundits Maharishi had 
> hundreds of millions of dollars for and had repeatedly promised to 
> bring to the U.S.? Where is the world peace he promised us all 
> years. Where is there one person who has gotten enlightened in the 
> movement? Maharishi said eve a person in Cosmic Consciousness can 
> perform the siddhis successfully and fly. In unity consciousness 
> prescriptions of Patanjali are not needed to get the results, they 
> just happen. Please show me one or two people who can fly, who can 
> perform the siddhis successfully, who are truly enlightened and I 
> will admit that I am wrong. But really, no one in the TM movement 
> do so. The true believers in the TM movement actually become 
> when you ask them to give you a concrete demonstration of their 
> abilities. The truth that I have come to realize is that the 
> enlightenment that some of these TM people think they have is just 
> total delusion. There is no real substantive proof because there 
> no valid spiritual experience. The TM experience is an illusory 
> experience, a sort of dream state brought about by using a 
> that traps one in one´s own mind. Since I retired three years ago 
> have been researching spiritual techniques. I have spoken with a 
> number of holy men from various traditions. I have traveled to 
> and met with enlightened Swamis and visited many of the sacred and 
> holy cities. I have spoken with pundits who were in charge of the 
> pundit groups. I have spoken with Dr. Triguna and other 
> who had been high in the TM organization. I interviewed members of 
> Guru Dev´s family. I spoke with people in the TM movement who had 
> looked at some of the financial records of the TM organization and 
> have spoken with investment people who said they have been in 
> of investing some of the movement´s assets. I have spoken with old 
> time skin boys (Maharishi´s personal assistants) and old course 
> participants who were involved with Maharishi sexually (verified 
> the old skin boys). I have had the good fortune to come across 
> wonderful alternative healing practices that really work and 
> wonderful spiritual practices that are taught by the real 
> representatives of age-old traditional lineages. I have been 
> to discover the secrets behind the real TM organization and the 
> secrets behind Guru Dev´s death. I have read an extended interview 
> from the real Shankaracharya in which the true traditional 
> teaching of jyotir math is discussed. I have talked with many 
> up people from the TM movement and many people outside the TM 
> movement and all the discussions point to the same thing. 
> Mahesh Yogi has pulled off the biggest spiritual scam in modern 
> history. He has successfully diverted a large group of sincere 
> spiritual seekers from the real spiritual path. He has accumulated 
> hundreds of millions if not billions of dollars in assets for his 
> family, the Shrivastavas. He has not only made up his name (he is 
> a Maharishi) but he has made up a meditation practice which is a 
> mechanical and repetitive in nature and which leads to brain 
> by occult powers and a siddhi practice which has nothing to do 
> Patanjali. He has brought to the west a watered down version of 
> ayurveda and a skewed version of Shtapatya Veda. Finally, if you 
> at all the poor people on Purusha and Mother Divine who are anemic 
> and have advanced stages of osteoporosis, you will know that he 
> ruined many lives. The true believers in the TM movement will tell 
> you these are all lies. They will tell you that even though they 
> be suffering from cancer or be penniless, they maybe 50 years old, 
> childless and living with their parents, they may have had much 
> better experiences 25 years ago than they do today, they will 
> to you that Maharishi is a God and it is their shortcomings that 
> caused them to be in such a predicament. Well let me tell you, 
> poor people are totally brainwashed. I feel bad for all of them. 
> sympathy is no longer acceptable. I want to share my experiences 
> that maybe you can wake up. You don´t need to be trapped in the 
> Matrix. There are so many wonderful, loving people in the world 
> so many spiritually advanced souls walking the earth. 
> there aren´t too many in the TM movement. This version of my story 
> really starts about three years ago. I was sitting with Maharishi 
> privately, because at the time I had an open invitation to come to 
> Vlodrop and sit with Mahesh whenever I wanted to. At that time I 
> that Mahesh had many tens of millions of dollars, the money he 
> to create a 10,000 group. He was talking about building big 
> buildings, buying airlines, etc. etc. I said, Maharishi, since you 
> have the money and supposedly you have enough pundits, why don´t 
> create a 10,000 group in India and then the world will experience 
> peace and the TM movement will gain great support of the laws of 
> nature and our other activities will work out. Mahesh looked at me 
> like I was crazy and said "Earl, if we created the group then we 
> don´t know if it would create world peace or not. We would have to 
> have the group and then see what the effect it has." I have to 
> you, this sort of shocked me after Mahesh for years had been 
> hundreds of millions of dollars for his world peace groups. To be 
> perfectly honest, though, this response was somewhat in line with 
> other responses he had been making to me. When I would ask him 
> spiritual questions he never had answers more than what he offered 
> the seven steps. Or he might launch into one of his hour long 
> circular discussions of the Ved and creation or the Ved and human 
> physiology. I finally started to realize, Mahesh doesn´t really 
> understand the spiritual process and if I wanted to get 
enlightened I 
> better take responsibility for the process and seek out people who 
> had been successful in getting others enlightened and who really 
> what was going on. So, I started to read and research the subject 
> (two things Mahesh told us never to do, otherwise we might confuse 
> ourselves) and I spoke with numerous people and these are the 
> I have learned that I think are the most important: 1. Even though 
> Guru Dev, he never gave Mahesh spiritual instruction and he never 
> taught him to teach others. In fact, he told Mahesh he would never 
> have anything to do with anything other than material success. 2. 
> There are many strange events around Guru Dev´s death. The real 
> current Shankaracharya and Guru Dev´s nephew and two Swami´s 
> independent of each other had very similar stories. It is believed 
> that Mahesh had Guru Dev poisoned. During the funeral he then went 
> back to Jyotir Math and stole the most powerful spiritual artifact 
> Guru Dev had created, a gold and jeweled Shri Yantra. Mahesh, 
> traveling throughout India, found a man who could activate the 
> portions of the Shri Yantra. This gave Mahesh certain occult 
> and control over certain astral beings. Mahesh then created a 
> meditation technique and certain mantras that would help people 
> their minds. In this blank state (which has nothing to do with 
> transcendence that is talked about in the yoga sutras) these 
> beings would brainwash these meditators into certain beliefs and 
> certain actions. In addition, Mahesh would put blocks on people´s 
> nervous systems to block their Kundalini from firing and to siphon 
> off their energy. Now I know this sounds pretty wild but think 
> it for a while. Why do so many meditators have such a dazed and 
> confused look about them? Why do meditators find it so hard to 
> Why do most people who have been in the movement for thirty years 
> admit that their best experiences in TM were in the seventies and 
> since then meditations have been going downhill? Why are so many 
> people asleep in the dome? Why do you need to lie down and rest 10-
> minutes after you have meditated? Why is there so much 
> Why are so many meditators so sensitive? They have to go to sleep 
> time. They can´t watch movies: they have to be careful about their 
> diet. They can´t stand loud noises. They get tired in the middle 
> the day. It is not for the reasons you have been told. It is not 
> because you are experiencing a refinement of the nervous system. 
> physiology is getting weaker. It is because the process of TM is 
> sucking you very life energy out of you. After you meditate in the 
> dome you have to lie down just to recover. When you do proper 
> spiritual practice as discussed in the yoga sutras (and which I 
> studied), you jest need a minute or two to regain an outward 
> direction and then you can get on with your activity with a very 
> clear mind and very good energy. 3. TM is not really a spiritual 
> practice. It does give good rest to a lot of people who lead busy 
> lives, but it does not necessarily rejuvenate the physiology. To 
> understand this point you have to start to read the spiritual 
> You have to understand the yoga sutras and you have to study the 
> Hatha Yoga Pradipika, the major treatise on Hatha Yoga. Many older 
> meditators (from the seventies) started TM and were interested in 
> getting enlightened. They were interested in spiritual evolution. 
> Mahesh with his practice and teaching has done an amazing thing. 
> has diverted the focus and efforts of a large group of spiritual 
> seekers and made it so impossible for them to have spiritual 
> that most of them have really lost interest in the idea of getting 
> enlightened. This was one of Mahesh´s true purposes in teaching TM 
> (his other two being to make billions of dollars and suck energy 
> his followers). He has succeeded very well. In studying the basic 
> Hindu texts and various other Tantric texts, I have come to 
> understand that spiritual evolution is not a complicated process. 
> Hatha Yoga Pradipika talks about eh eight limbs of yoga. The first 
> two, Yama and Niyama are really about living a good life. That is 
> basis for spiritual evolution. You live a loving, purposeful life. 
> You are directed in your activity, you look after your family and 
> friends, and you do good. In terms of spiritual practice, you have 
> balance of proper asana positions, pranayama techniques, hand 
> (which enliven certain brain centers) and meditation practice to 
> bring about a holistic growth. The whole point of these practices 
> to enliven or wake up your kundalini shakti. This term is basic to 
> any discussion of spiritual evolution. Every person has this 
> energy in them referred to as kundalini (not creative 
> please!). This energy, which lays dormant in the lower chakra, 
> to be awakened. It needs to travel up the sushumna enlivening the 
> various charkas until it travels to the crown chakra and reunites 
> with Shiva (pure consciousness). This is the real experience of 
> unity, the reuniting of Shiva and Shakti. It is an experience 
> space and time. It is not the experience of silence moving into 
> silence that the million dollar course participants and Mahesh 
> about. It is the genuine spiritual experience discussed in all the 
> scriptures of eternal bliss consciousness. The proper physical 
> breathing and mental practices, done diligently, have a holistic 
> effect in improving one´s life very quickly. The purpose of 
> practice is to improve one´s life, not to make one a slave to that 
> spiritual practice. Most of the long term meditators I have talked 
> tell me that TM has not brought them good experiences for many 
> The ones who have branched out and learned good yoga practices and 
> found good alternative healers seem to be making some progress, a 
> more than those who are diligently following Mahesh´s programs. 4. 
> traditional spiritual teaching in India, an enlightened teacher 
> on a few students and gives them a very unique and particular set 
> practices (asanas, pranayama, hand mudras and meditation 
> that are geared just for that person. Each person has a different 
> of practices because each person has a unique physiology, 
> and spiritual make up. The teacher´s responsibility is to help the 
> student with his practices so that both his worldly life and 
> spiritual life improve quickly. The spiritual practices a person 
> given are like a combination that allow the kundalini shakti to be 
> directed up the sushumna and reach makara point, the chakra of the 
> upper brow. This is the beginning of a seeker´s spiritual life 
> because only the 6th and 7th charkas are considered the spiritual 
> charkas and have to do with spiritual experience. The first five 
> charkas have to do with material life so experience dealing with 
> charkas is material experience. Because most TM meditators have 
> had this type of kundalini rising, they are still caught in the 
> material world and have not really begun their spiritual 
> transformation. What brings about spiritual transformation and the 
> refinement of a person´s physiology, psychology and overall life 
> the infusion of divine light into their being. The establishment 
> the kundalini shakti at makara creates a situation whereby the 
> shakti, each person´s own inner divine goddess, starts to take 
> and direct a person´s growth. Only then is real spiritual progress 
> possible. Only when the divine light begins to be seen and infused 
> into a person does real progress take place. In the yoga sutras of 
> Patanjali yoga is defined as spiritual absorption. When one 
> properly they do not experience blank mind. What happens is that a 
> person learns to turn their attention within (pratyahara) and then 
> through one pointed focus on a proper mantra (dharana) they 
> start to become absorbed in the divine light, the self-effulgent 
> self. With the right practice this progress takes place in a 
> of days, weeks or months, not decades. If you do not have the 
> practice then it will take lifetimes to have real progress. 5. I 
> cannot prove this, but I have spoken with a number of people high 
> in the TM organization and with investment advisors of the TM 
> organization and they have all told me the same thing, Mahesh has 
> accumulated billions of dollars in assets for his family. 6. 
> is not a spiritually enlightened Vedic master. I know this is a 
> really hard one to believe and the last one I let go of, but it is 
> the truth. First of all, the darshan which people experience and 
> experience people have around Mahesh has nothing to with how 
> spiritually enlightened people are. It is true that Mahesh has 
> presence, but so do movie actors and famous athletes. Enlightened 
> people usually don´t project energy like Mahesh does. They keep it 
> more to themselves. Also, people have amazing visual experiences 
> bliss experiences around Mahesh. But I have now come to see they 
> illusory. They are an occult trick Mahesh uses to brainwash his 
> disciples. In reality, Mahesh is not interested in spiritual 
> In the sixties and early seventies he had sex with a series of 
> girlfriends. I have spoken with some of them in detail. Why do you 
> think the Beatles left? It was because Mahesh put a move on Mia 
> Farrow. She didn´t make it up: he really went after her. Mahesh 
> been interested in power, in the accumulation of money, and in 
> Why does he live in a big house, own helicopters, airplanes, etc? 
> does he spend most of his time involved in business planning about 
> making money? It is because he is a businessman who has the 
> that other wealthy businessmen have. His spiritual front is his 
> and the way he gets people to give him their time and money. 7. 
> TM-Sidhi program has nothing to do with Patanjali´s teaching. I 
> on the course when Mahesh made up the program. He simply 
> with different sutras until he came up with something he thought 
> would work. Do you really think that Patanjali had people do the 
> sutras in English? It is not Mahesh´s genius that he figured it 
> out. If you really want to know about the yoga sutras why don´t 
> buy four or five of the translations and see what the top scholars 
> have to say. The first thing you will find out is that the proper 
> mantra to be repeated in meditation practice (and this is exactly 
> Swaroopanand, the real Shankaracharya after Guru Dev says) 
> the pranava, which is Om, at the beginning and end with the name 
> your personal deity in between. There is nothing wrong with the 
> repetition or saying the word Om, it is the holiest of sounds and 
> only brings good to life. Mahesh is the only so-called spiritual 
> master I know of who has instilled fear in his disciples about 
> Om. I think the problem Mahesh had in people repeating Om is that 
> the presence of its repetition astral beings lose their power and 
> evil influence is redirected back to its source. One other 
> point is that the mechanical repetition of a mantra without 
> or devotion brings no spiritual progress whatsoever. This point is 
> referred to in the yoga sutras and in many discussions of great 
> spiritual teachers. The mechanical repetition of some meaningless 
> word brings no opening of the heart, no love in one´s life, and no 
> unfoldment of true spiritual values. Haven´t you ever wondered why 
> many people in the TM movement seemed so heartless, especially the 
> administrators the early courses? It was because their mechanical 
> repetition of a meaningless word was actually closing their heart, 
> not opening it. That is why so many people in the TM movement have 
> suffered a sort of disassociation with so much of their life where 
> they don´t have the same feelings they used to. It´s not because 
> are more highly evolved, it is because they are disconnected from 
> their hearts. 8. There are no pundits and there will never be a 
> coming over to the U.S. I spoke with people who had helped 
> the early group that was actually in existence but was disbanded 
> ago. I also spoke with one of the pundits who were in charge of 
> training the pundit boys (the students). There are hardly any real 
> pundits (there used to be around 15) because the movement would 
> them and then not pay them. I even spoke with Mahesh who 
> told me he would never send real pundits to the U.S. because once 
> they got here they would get better paying jobs. He said they 
> only send the pundit boys because then they could control them. It 
> turns out several years ago my brother actually got approval from 
> U.S. State Department to bring a group of one or two thousand 
> to Heavenly Mountain. When it came time for the TM movement in 
> to give the U.S. Embassy the names of the pundits who would be 
> over, we got word back that Maharishi had changed his mind and 
> it was not a good time to send them. We realized then that the 
> thing was just a scam to raise money and since have had this 
> by a number of different people. 9. Mahesh installed his own 
> Shankaracharya keeps him on the payroll. This way when he sends 
> people to India he sends them to his own Shankaracharya who tells 
> people whatever Mahesh wants them to hear. The real Shankaracharya 
> was chosen by the other Shankaracharyas and sits at important 
> spiritual meetings with them. They will not even allow themselves 
> be seen in the same hall with Mahesh´s Shankaracharya, lest 
> get the wrong idea. 10. Mahesh wants your money and he wants it 
> badly. After I had donated so much money and fulfilled all of my 
> commitments, a friend of mine heard Mahesh ranting about the fact 
> that he had not gotten the last half of my fortune. I warn you 
> Mahesh will keep milking you for every penny he can get from you 
> until he bleeds you dry and then he will discard you as so much 
> wood. 11. The TM organization will stop at nothing to protect 
> secrets and to smear anyone who tries to get in their way. My 
> is now the number one enemy of the movement. Before that, Deepak 
> the number one enemy. There is always a number one enemy. If you 
> really want to understand the dealing of Mahesh and the TM 
> please read "The Guru Papers, Masks of Authoritarian Power" by 
> Kramer and Diana Alstad. Reading this one book will go a long way 
> helping you liberate yourself from the years of brainwashing and 
> mental anguish you have suffered at the hands of the TM movement. 
> Mahesh has told everyone never to talk to psychics. I have finally 
> realized why. My brother and I have talked to a number of very 
> known psychics in the U.S. and we have been amazed. Most of them 
> never even heard of Maharishi and when they put their attention on 
> him they say the same thing. They find he is a very dark and evil 
> being. They talk about his greed, his sexual liaisons and his need 
> for power and to control his disciples. They talk about astral 
> he controls who are able to control other people´s minds. These 
> psychics can tell you all about your life and things that have 
> happened. I am not into talking to psychics but I think it is 
> interesting how Mahesh always steered us clear of them. We thought 
> was for our protection, when in reality it was because Mahesh 
> want you to hear what they had to say about him. Mahesh deals with 
> psychic and occult powers as opposed to the celestial realms and 
> gaining real knowledge. He doesn´t want you to know about this. 
> Finally, I have known some very enlightened children who, upon 
> meeting Mahesh, would comment that what they saw was an evil demon 
> disguise. At the time I thought they were unstressing. But now I 
> what was really happening. Mahesh puts on this guise of being a 
> and loving spiritual master when in reality he is after money, 
> and control. These children would actually see his real form, a 
> most of us are not able to see. 14. Why are people in the TM 
> told that if they want to make some real spiritual progress then 
> have to meditate every day longer and longer periods of time, they 
> have to be far away from normal people, they have to eat certain 
> things, do certain things, live certain ways? It is because TM is 
> a real spiritual practice: it is a cult. In real practice you 
> to feel the brotherhood of all mankind. As you become more 
> established in the Self you have more flexibility. Less and less 
> affects you in a negative way. You become less dependent on your 
> outside environment and more dependent on who you are. You are 
> to see the joy in all situations and be more and more in the 
> Are you trapped in a cult? Are most of your friends TM meditators. 
> you live in a Shtapatya Vedic house? Do you donate money to the TM 
> movement? Do you not feel so good unless you go to the dome? Do 
> read other discussions of spiritual texts or do you feel that 
> be wrong to expose yourself to other´s opinions. Do you feel a 
> funny about your family members because they don´t meditate, they 
> meat: they haven´t come across the true knowledge yet? Do you feel 
> is the highest knowledge and really the only way? Does your mind 
> create circular arguments in discussing your own evolution or 
> spiritual knowledge to make the point that everything Maharishi 
> is exactly right? Do you feel a little bit sorry for other people 
> haven´t quite realized that TM is the truth, the light, the only 
> to God? Do you think that even though you haven´t gotten 
> yet that it is just around the corner and you know that some day 
> is coming. Or else, by now it doesn´t matter because you know that 
> some day Maharishi will take care of all that? Do you feel sorry 
> me that I have fallen off the path?! Fellow spiritual seeker, I 
say a 
> prayer for you that one day you can wake up and take back the 
> responsibility for your own spiritual progress and for your own 
> The world is a wonderful place and there are so many wonderful 
> from so many different walks of life. There are so many successful 
> paths to God to Love and to Self-Realization. Mahesh´s influence 
> power have diminished significantly. So many people in Fairfield 
> starting to wake up from a thirty year dream to recapture their 
> and to enjoy what is left of this turn on earth. Good luck! With 
> sincere prayers and an open heart everyone can find the truth. But 
> you have to start to look! With love and gratitude to all my 
> and acquaintances in Fairfield. One day may you say to yourself, 
> many years I was a seeker, but now I can honestly say I have 
become a 
> finder. Love, Earl P.S. Some of the things I have said are pretty 
> out, but let me ask you this. If you have been meditating for 
> years, do you feel you are making progress or do you just hope one 
> day things will get better. Is your body feeling healthier now 
> it was 30 years ago? Are you more limber and more energetic or do 
> have growing health concerns. If you are feeling better, is it 
> TM or is it because you have started doing Pilates or a yoga 
> given to you by someone else or some other good form of exercise. 
> Considering all the meditation you have done and all the ayurveda 
> you´ve done and all the yagyas you´ve done, don´t you think you 
> should be feeling great? Most people who have invested thirty 
> into something don´t want to give it up. Maybe when you were a 
> teenager TM got you off drugs. Maybe teaching TM gave you a good 
> direction in life. But come on, that was 30 years ago. TM isn´t 
> working, the TM organization is dying, Mahesh is literally dying 
> becoming irrational as well, and you´re wasting your life. You can 
> heal your body. You can improve your spiritual process. But if you 
> continue to do what you´ve been doing for 30 years in the prime of 
> your life and it hasn´t worked, I can tell you, its not going to 
> any better the next thirty years. So good luck, you can wake up. 
> can disconnect from the Matrix and start to become a real person. 
> is not too late, but as Vasishtha said in the Yoda Vasishtha, it 
> only through your own self-effort that you will make progress on 
> spiritual path. I pray for you all. To make a transition is not as 
> easy thing, but I can guarantee you, it´s worth it! Earl Kaplan As 
> most of you probably know, I was by far the biggest donor in the 
> history of the TM movement. For many years I donated money 
> and never sought to have public knowledge of this. I had become 
> successful and wanted to try to help the world by donating money 
> build the Spiritual Center of America and later to help create a 
> 7,000 group in India. Maharishi (or better I call him Mahesh, 
> Mahesh paid some pundits to give his that title) promised David 
and I 
> that if we built the Spiritual Center, he would fill it with 1000 
> Purusha and 1000 Mother Divine. He said once this was done that 
> people would gain enlightenment, that they would have mastery over 
> the siddhis and that world peace would be created. He also 
> me that if I donated money to India he would create a 10,000 group 
> that would automatically create world peace. These were just a few 
> the many promises Mahesh made to me that he never was able to 
> through with. Most true followers in the TM movement believe that 
> is okay for Mahesh to lie, cheat and steal because he is an 
> enlightened sage and anything he does is in accord with the laws 
> nature. I have to tell you that the laws that apply to Mahesh are 
> same that apply to each of us. If you lie and cheat and steal you 
> suffer the consequences. Why is any man above being a good 
> person? I don´t think they are. The amazing things I have learned 
> over the past three years have helped liberate me from a cult 
> mentality that runs rampant in the TM movement. If you are reading 
> this thinking, "poor Earl, he is such a deluded soul," then I feel 
> sorry for you because you are indeed caught in the matrix of 
> that old Mahesh has so successfully spun over the last 30 years. 
> did Triguna leave the movement? Why did Deepak get kicked out? Why 
> have most of the heads of the TM movement, including many of 
> personal secretaries, been thrown out or fled? They have seen what 
> really goes on behind the scenes and I can tell you first hand, 
> not pretty. The things I have learned from talking with family 
> members of Guru Dev, doctors, Mahesh´s private secretaries, 
> heads of the TM movement, and various India swamis and holy men 
> these: 1. The TM movement is really a financial movement that has 
> made Mahesh´s family, the Shrivastava family extremely rich and 
> powerful in India. 2. The TM practice and the TM Siddhi practice 
> made up by Maharishi. They were not given to him by Guru Dev or 
> Patanjali and they have nothing to do with traditional spiritual 
> process. 3. Real spiritual process involves the awakening of the 
> kundalini Shakti. There are a number of books on Kundalini vidya 
> tantra that make the process very clear. The kundalini is awakened 
> the base chakra: it goes up the sushumna enlivening the chakras 
> it reaches the first spiritual chakra, makara (or the chakra at 
> top of the forehead. From this point the inner shakti (the divine 
> light, Mother Divine, etc.) refines and heals the physiology and 
> strengthens the inner constitution until she can travel to the top 
> chakra, sahashrara, and merge with Shiva in a oneness experience 
> beyond space and time, the experience of asma-prajnata-smadhi. The 
> inner kundalini is awakened through various practices which are 
> spelled out very clearly in ashtanga yoga. You must have the 
> asana postures, pranayama techniques, hand mudras and mantra 
> if you want to improve your spiritual process. You must also lead 
> good life, be a good person, do proper action and meditate 
> 4. I did TM for 32 years and I found the longer I did TM and the 
> closer I got to Mahesh, the worse I felt. I now understand why 
> was. Most people won´t believe the reasons so I can only share 
> you what I have learned. I am not trying to convince anyone. 5. I 
> one of the most financially successful TM meditators of all time. 
> am a simple, good person. All I did was simply try to help out and 
> is still my goal to help the world and help the people in it gain 
> spiritual evolution. 6. The people at Purusha and Mother Divine 
> generally in terrible health and they do not look good. Many of 
> women have osteoporosis and many of the men are anemic and with 
> vitamin deficiencies. They are sincere spiritual seekers who are 
> going nowhere fast. 7. When we started TM in the 60´s and 70´s we 
> were told we would gain CC in 5-8 years. Mahesh also said that 
> someone in CC can do any siddhi and gain the results Patanjali 
> described. I have never met one person in the TM movement who was 
> enlightened. I recently spoke with an old friend who lives in 
> Heavenly Mtn. I asked him to show me just three people who could 
> prove they were enlightened. He balked at the offer. The truth is, 
> one in the TM movement, including Mahesh is enlightened. No one 
> do the siddhis. If you can present three people to me who have 
> mastered the siddhis then I´m sure the board of the Spiritual 
> would work out a harmonious transfer of the land in North 
> The experiences that TM people have are illusory. They are based 
> some kind of dream reality. Mahesh is a master of deception. The 
> people in the TM movement are completely deluded about their 
> accomplishment of spiritual evolution. After 30 years can´t people 
> wake up and see the truth? Don´t be scared! There is a wonderful 
> out there waiting to be lived. (Earl Kaplan)

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