Do not listen these little voices thinking on who`s winning or who`s loosing.
Everyone is winning when more and more people come to fly together in the Dome.
This is time for open heart and mind for everyone, this is time for togetherness, friendliness and broad and universal vision.
The world is asking us to do the most possible for the world peace.
We are those who know that, and we will do the best with our knowledge which we got from our Master and our Holy Tradition.
Come everyone, and let us do the best what we can for our world.

Rick Archer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
on 8/19/06 12:44 PM, chaim_laib at [EMAIL PROTECTED]com wrote:

> Rick
> Why would you even bother at this point? It would seem like a victory,
> for the Capital, and one they could use to their benefit, "See, Rick
> Archer agreed to do things out way" kinda thing. It would certainly
> get lots of tongues wagging. You could be the representative "return
> of the Prodigal Son."  
> You've made personal choices in your life, you are doing a practice
> that works for you. If acquiescing would work for you, so be it, but
> wouldn't it mean no longer using the mantra you received from Amma and
> going back to your TM mantra?
> You don't think your two hours (or however much time) per day in your
> program is contributing (if one believes this line of thought) to the
> overall grand scheme of world peace?
> "To thine own self be true."
> -W. Shakespeare
> "Flow with whatever may happen and let your mind be free. Stay
> centered by accepting whatever you are doing. This is the ultimate."
> -Chuang Tsu

I concur with what you said, and thanks for the nice quotes. I was presenting a hypothetical scenario, which will actualize when pigs fly, in which the course office would decide not to concern themselves with people’s lives any longer. So if that happened and I did end up going I don’t think people would see it as a victory for the old way of doing things. But as you say, I enjoy my practice as it is, so it ain’t gonna happen.

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