You didn`t understand, or you intentionally write it wrong.
Read again what I said.
If some is rejected, it is not a reason for OTHERS not to come in the Dome.

Sal Sunshine <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Being rejected from the course isn't a reason to not go in the Domes?
I'd say it's a pretty darn good reason--what is that person supposed to
do...bring their own security guards?

BTW, what flavor Kool-Aide was it you drank today?


On Aug 19, 2006, at 4:01 PM, kenwoodfx wrote:

> If someone is rejected, there is a reason for that, but that is not a
> reason for not coming in the Dome in this important time in world
> history.
> People who wants to do good will not think like that.
> Everyone who is invited is invited with good reason, and should come
> and do good for the world, not thinking about what small ego says,
> being afraid for his existence.

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