In a message dated 8/20/06 3:11:09 P.M. Central Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

--- In, [EMAIL PROTECTED].. wrote:
> In a message dated 8/19/06 7:56:38 P.M. Central Daylight Time,
> You, in contrast, deliberately misrepresented a poll.
> As far as I'm concerned, that was a lie.
> I never misrepresented the poll. I simply sited the Washington Post
> poll dated May 11, 2006 which backed my statement that the
> majority of Americans support the NSA program which the poll said.
> You didn't like the questions and thought of the poll as flawed
> because the words *warrantless wire taps* were not used in the
> poll.

No. Here's what you said:

"Most people want the current NSA program in place
and it is still going on while it is appealed."

That implies that what most people want is what is
being appealed.

That's the lie.

What is being appealed is WARRANTLESS wiretapping.

In all the polls that have asked specifically about
WARRANTLESS wiretapping, the majority has been
against it.

I responded:

> > Wrong. A majority do NOT want warrantless wiretapping.

And you lied again by citing the Washington Post
poll in your reply as if it had asked about WARRANTLESS
wiretapping. But it did not, and you knew that.

> Evidently the Washington Post thought exactly as I did

Yes, I'm sure it thought exactly as you did: Maybe
if we just ask about the NSA program in general, a
majority will support it, and then we can say "A
majority supports the NSA program" and people will
think that means they support WARRANTLESS wiretapping.

That's the same scam Bush's supporters, including
yourself, are running.

> and believes the poll significant otherwise they wouldn't have
taken it or
> published it. There would have been no point in taking it and
publishing it
> otherwise.

I don't think anybody suggested they didn't think it
was significant. Got any more straw men?

I never said the poll was "flawed" or that I "didn't
like the questions," by the way, so that's *another*
two lies from you. The poll was fine on its own terms
in measuring approval of the NSA program in general.

What was *not* fine was your misrepresentation of it
as supporting WARRANTLESS wiretapping, which it most
certainly did not.

And as I said earlier that the poll also mentioned that 65% even favored the program even if it meant  violating privacy. That's close enough for me for the majority being OK with wire taps being warrantless. Only about 30% or less did not want the program and I have no doubt it was because they believed the wire taps could be without warrants, why else would that many people be against the program? No lies, no deception, just sour grapes that 66% of the population want Bush's program in place as it is.

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