Title: Question on suitability of experiences
From a friend of mine:

FYI.  My email to Bevan and John H, and their responses.  I'd sure like to see some of you stabilized folks get up there and tell MMY first hand.
If you forward this, please do not have my name on it.  Thanks.

Dear John and Bevan,

I have become aware in the past two years or so of several people in Fairfield who appear to have had remarkable transformations, representative of the goal that so many in our movement have been seeking for so long.

These individuals generally do not wish to publicize their experiences.  I have been fortunate in getting to know them closely, in part because of my own experiences, and so have become aware of their seemingly stabilized advanced states of consciousness.  Hearing these people speak of their inner experience has been extraordinarily uplifting for me, and I believe it would be for others.

I wonder whether Maharishi would like to hear publicly of these experiences or not.  It seems to me he would, given that significant numbers of people are actually realizing all that his programs are intended to bring about, but Maharishi has agendas that lie far beyond my purview, and I do not know.

Perhaps, for reasons I do not understand, it is better for the awakened in our community to remain silent and their experiences to remain largely unknown.  But perhaps it is not.  Not knowing which, I felt motivated to write this message to you.  If you feel Maharishi would consider it a good thing, I could urge one or more of them to relate their experiences at the mike.  If not, I will keep this exchange completely to myself.

Thank you both for all you are doing.

Jai Guru Dev,


Reply from John Hagelin:

I think it would be uplifting to all, if they are willing.

As I'm sure you have gathered, Maharishi isn't impressed with flash, or imagination. But with solid experience of the Sidhis, or of stabilized experiences of higher states.

Thanks you your letter,



Reply from Bevan (indirectly):

Bevan wasn’t quite sure what your question was. Obviously anyone on the course can give their experiences on the microphone in the Domes or at Maharishi Vedic City.

Jai Guru Dev,

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