I-I Friends Presents:

I AM, A Breathtaking Movie Experience

Integral Institute Friends includes organizations and individuals with whom we share an integral approach. We’re constantly in dialogue with our friends on new initiatives, collaborations, and other ways that we can support and inspire each other.

In this light, we are proud to present I AM, a film about the unity of all things in the Kosmos. This groundbreaking movie was brought to our attention by one of the founding sponsors of Integral Institute, Joe Firmage, who helped to create the film.

Hello friends,

I write today to announce that a new film—I AM—has been released online at IAmAwakening.org. A background briefing on the film is enclosed.

I AM reveals Earth’s evolution through a young girl’s journey of self-discovery and awakening. Set to breathtaking imagery and music, I AM tells the epic story of our Cosmic genesis and the beginnings of life on Earth, and narrates the evolution of cultures creating our modern world.

I AM presents the vision, in philosophically simple and emotionally rich _expression_, for the unity of being of all things in the Kosmos, past and present and future. The film takes us on a sweeping tour through time, from Cosmic origins through the birth of suns, planets, our own Earth, the evolution and wondrous diversity of life, and human history.

I AM can be a powerful vehicle to foster unity among competing traditions of thought. It can catalyze understanding among nations and religions, and between religion and science. During these troubled times, I believe it should be seen by as many people as possible. It can be watched now in English, Spanish, Arabic and Farsi languages.

If after experiencing I AM you agree that its message is timely, please feel free to share it with friends and communities within your reach.

100% of profits from sales of the hi-res, hi-fi DVD of I AM will be donated to foundations focused on the integral movement and children’s well-being. 25% of such funds will be donated to I-I, in recognition of Ken Wilber’s unequalled efforts in establishing the kind of durable institution capable of altering the inertia of modern civilization in directions supportive of these goals.

For those that have given to I-I, your contributions are making a difference. I gave $1 million for Phase 1 and will be giving 25% of the profits of this film for Phase 2. It is our support that is helping to bring the Integral Vision to an ever-broadening audience.

What will you offer?


Joseph P. Firmage
Chief Executive Officer
ManyOne Networks

© Integral Institute, 2006. All rights reserved.

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