--- sparaig <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Peter
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> > 
> > 
> > --- suziezuzie <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > 
> [...]
> > > How do you judge at what level
> > > someone's psychosis 
> > > becomes a hazard to the practice and that TM
> would
> > > make it worse?
> > 
> > Anyone who is psychotic should not start TM nor
> > continue with the practice. Psychosis is a general
> > term given to someone with symptoms that indicate
> a
> > loss of contact with object/consensual reality.
> They
> > present with hallucinations and delusions.
> > 
> heh. So anyone wh is practicing TM who shows
> hallucinatios and delusions shouldn't 
> practice TM, even if under teh care of a non-TMing
> psychaitrist who is aware of the 
> minimalist research on TM and mental health issues?
> Sounds like you're usurping the 
> physician's role here, which is illegal and
> unethical, Peter...

Any psychiatrist who has a patient that is
hallucinating and delusional would be off their rocker
to allow this patient to practice meditation of any
sort. For Christ's sake, they are psychotic. Do you
know what this means? Do you have any experience with
psychosis? Out of what experience and knowlede base do
you speak out of? I treat psychotic patients. I
actually know what the f*ck I'm talking about here.
Why would you even want a psychotic patient to
meditate? So they'll "get enlightened"? Ha! That's the
last thing they'd be interested in. They just want a
normal waking state life and to have the
hallucinations of spiders in their vagina and snakes
up their rectum come to an end. They want the
delusions that their brain is rotten and filled with
machines to stop. Again, what would be the motivation
for a psychotic patient to meditate? Why? So they'll
get better? TM will not help psychotic patients,
period. It makes them worse. End of screed.    

> >  
> > > On another note, what do you think psychosis is?
> Why
> > > and how does 
> > > this behavior manifest itself? Do you think it's
> > > purely an organic 
> > > defect that has some expression in the
> personality
> > > such as paranoia?
> > 
> > I think psychosis, for the most part, is an
> organic
> > brain disorder whose symptoms appear in the
> > psychological domain.
> > 
> >  
> > > Why does TM make it worse?
> > 
> > TM makes it worse because in psychosis a person's
> ego
> > structures are being over-whelmed. They are losing
> > their psychological constructs that allow them to
> > expereince and interact with the object/consensual
> > world. TM moves the mind towards greater and
> greater
> > levels of abstraction which overwhelms these
> mental
> > structures even more. Psychotic people can not
> even
> > experience ambiguous stimuli (something that does
> not
> > have clear, definite meaning) without becoming
> worse
> > in seconds. TM is not an effective intervention
> with
> > psychotics because it moving the attention in the
> > "wrong" direction. They need to move the attention
> > into boundaries, not away from them. I developed a
> > very effective intervention with psychotics during
> an
> > internship I had using what MMY had said during my
> > regarding the breakdown of mind/body coordination
> in
> > schizophrenics. He said you could help
> schizophrenics
> > by hitting them with a flower and saying, "flower,
> > flower," everytime you hit them. This just sat in
> my
> > notes for years until I started working in the
> mental
> > health field with psychotics. I realized what MMY
> was
> > talking about with this intervention. So in groups
> I
> > used to pass objects around (e.g., cups, pencils,
> > books, etc) and each person had to hold the object
> and
> > state what their direct experience of the object
> was
> > at that moment. No associations, only their direct
> > experience. This, over time, had an amazing effect
> of
> > radically reducing hallucinations and delusions as
> > noted by myself and other staff members. 
> All very well, but you're generalizing to patients
> you have never met who are NOT under 
> your supervision. And I'm thinking of a specific
> individual here, so be warned, you're 
> treading on dangerous territory here.
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