In a message dated 11/30/06 10:24:29 P.M. Central Standard Time,  

A lot of  assumin' about the President's thought processes...A lot of
> just  as unmannerly when Maharishi did it.

Why do I have the feeling that if  the assumin'
was that Bush's thoughts were deeply compassionate
and  conciliatory, neither of you would be objecting
one bit?

Dig  yourselves, guys.

Because we know you Judy. The most I would expect from you and the way  I saw 
it was, that It was a nice thing to do at the time, nothing more  nothing 
less. For Bush to avoid Webb and not recognize his son's service   too his 
when he was right there would have been thoughtless and uncaring.  Bush meets 
with parents and families of soldiers frequently to thank them for  their 
soldier's efforts and sacrifices. This was no different. Your  interpretation 
events says a whole lot more about you than it says about  Bush, you should be 
ashamed of yourself. 

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