--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
 And if the Dalai Lama had been as quick
 to abandon his principles as Maharishi has been over the
> years, I'm sure that he (the Dalai Lama) would not be the 
> laughingstock he is considered worldwide, whereas Maharishi 
> is universally revered and respected.

Good satire Turq.  Good thot full comparison.

I have been out traveling from FF to spiritual places out West and 
recently out East, and it is informative to hear people in reaction 
to Maharishi when you go other places.   

Very aware of his money grubbing TMorg aquisitive ways of the last 
couple of decades.  But that MMY dropped off the radar screen 
generally and had become inconsequential.  Past tense.  

Most people do not know much of anything about FF or TM, mostly 
blank.  But folks who do,they do want to know 'what is going on ??' 
in FF.  Mostly appalled by what they know.  But some intriqued by the 
pundit thing w/  lots of Associated Press articles in the last weeks 
provisioned by the TMorg pr-department.

In travel I also visited with some folks from South Carolina who 
started an open silent group meditation this last year for folks 
generally, regardless of meditation.  They have found it to be very 
powerful and well appreciated and attended.  Their comment is that of 
the folks generally who have been longterm practitioners of spiritual 
practice meditation, often it is the old tm-er's who kept at it.  
Lesser some buddhists.

Folk's usual distillation is, MMY gave people a lot with TM but went 
corrupt somewhere.  Oh well, so it is out in the world.

-Doug in FF 

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