Comment below:

--- In, "wayback71" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> It took a while, but it just occurred to me how different awakening
is from what we are 
> looking for.  We think we are looking for eternal life for the self
when the body dies.  
> Instead what really happpens in Awakening is the oppposite:  the
self "dies"  ( or the 
> notion of what the self is dies) while the body is alive and goes on
living for a while longer.
> On a related note:  a totally western, traditional psychiatrist told
me the other day that the 
> sense of self is really just an amazingly quick "data sweep" of the
different activities in the 
> brain, giving rise to illusion of a self in control of things. 
Pretty nice description, 
> especilaly coming form the neurscientist perspective on the mind.

**Snip to end

The 'data sweep' concept (above) is a very appealing way of
understanding how there can even be a 'small' self and how pure
consciousness (as 'attention') creates the notion of an ego/self by
putting attention on an object (another notion), and thereby manifests
a triad of knower/known/knowing.  The whole world emerges immediately
from nothing.  And just as completely, vanishes when attention is
withdrawn.  Kind of like the sweep of the band on a radar scope (. . .
you know, like they always show on the submarines in the movies).

"Suppose you had a headache and you get rid of it by taking some
medicine, you then remain what you were originally;  the headache is
like the illusion that the body is the self; it disappears when the
medicine called self-enquiry is administered."  (Ramana Maharshi)

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