300% is more the vajrayana slant: nirmanakaya, sambhogakaya and the dharmakaya: inseparably.

On Dec 28, 2006, at 4:19 PM, qntmpkt wrote:

---Thanks, excellent essay...true, that's one side of the coin ...
(many Gurus are one-sided 100 percenters.  We can name them:  Ramana
Maharshi, HWL Poonja, Gangaji, Nisargadatta Maharaj, and a whole
horde of contemporary Neo-Advaitins who only talk about the Self and
nothing else.
  OTOH, the 200 percenters are into BOTH relative benefits AND Self-
Realization.  Andrew Cohen, although a devotee of HWL Poonja, broke
with him somewhat, coming up with his "Evolutionary Consciousness".
  MMY is fully in the 200% camp, with his emphasis on "Heaven on
Earth", although implementation falls short of aspiration.
 Sri Aurobindo would be a 200% Guru since he emphasized a type
of "Superman" existence, a clear evolutionary progression beyond mere
 Some Buddhist Gurus are 100%ers while others are more evolutionary.
The whole spectrum of Progressivism straddles both of the 100%
viewpoints.  E.G. Wilber is a Progressivist for the most part but I
see nothing in his writings about "Heaven on Earth".
  The 100%ers believe that Heaven on Earth is a RESULT of enough
people getting Enlightened.
200%ers have additional techniques and approaches beyond meditation,
such as Yagyas, which they taut as supposed solutions to relative
  To conclude, what you say is true, but that's only the 100%
viewpoint.  I'm in the 200% School, ...not that I'm and expert yet,
but that's my viewpoint.

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