--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "larry.potter"
> <larry.potter@> wrote:
> >
> > I'm not sure that we can conclude from the database realm to
> > the spiritual. that being said it is true that relational d.b. 
> > is being used far more than hierarchical. The main reason is 
> > that it was difficult to model a many-to-many relationship, 
"There are other reasons, speed of access being one
of them, but the many-to-many thing is interesting
in itself. To me it seems as if the hierarchical
model is something that a seeker (and especially a
deist seeker) would think up. They're always trying
to "climb the tree" to reach something "higher" than

But would a realized individual, who even on the
level of perception relates to the many *as* him-
or herself, be tempted to think hierarchically?
When your entire world view is Unity, are the
devatas (assuming they exist) any "higher" than
you? They *are* you. :-)"

It seems that the whole thing is within you; that you were created in 
the image of God.
So, all of the devatas are part and parcel of the same consciousness 
as you.
I looked up the translation of Shruti, it said: 'hearing'...
So, it seems that experience of this realm is more on the level of 
faint 'feeling & hearing'..
    -much like the sound quality of the mantra, as it transcends to 
the source of thought, where it merges with light and feeling.
So, the whole thing is vibratory:
And the Intelligence contained within the structure, which modulates 
the different energies-
So, as there is more and more experience of the Transcendent, 
available in the world, more and more of the lower vibrations, the 
chaotic vibrations, which can be heard- (the noise of chaos, whether 
it is expressed in music, the noise of a city, the screams in Iraq, 
or whatever...)
Will be and are being replaced with calmer notes of harmony and bliss.
So, it's all vibratory.
Like tuning in like a radio does, spontaneously, at the right time, 
and at the right place to 'hear' the exact information- which you 
need the time, provided by all of the infinite possibilities, 
contained within the Transcendent.
So, that's my take for now...
That the hierarchy is within, as well as without.
The balance of light and dark;
And more and more the expansion of the light, causes the simultaneous 
collapse of the dark.


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