--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Jonathan Chadwick <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
> You seem to be forgetting that Shantinand was eventually declared by a later 
> version of 
the same committee to be unqualified so he stepped down.

After 20+ years of service. He nominated Vishndevananda in his place who was 
also on the 
will that SBS allegedly made. When Vishnudevananda died, he nominated 
who was never a direct disciple of Gurudev. A new court hearing challenged him 
wasn't a direct disciple, and Swarupananda was given a better standing by court 

Shatananda was declared "unqualified" because he was a cook, basically. The 
fact that he 
was Gurudev's oldest disciple didn't matter to the scholars.

> "Richard J. Williams" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:          Peter wrote:
> > What is the point of this thread?
> >
> Does it have to have a point, Peter? Some people just feel better when
> they have someone to talk to. Is that alright with you, if I talk with
> some of the TMers on this list?
> > You seem to be trying to make some point about MMY that I'm not
> > getting. 
> >
> The point is that the Swami Shankaracharya told some fibs to Robert
> Kropinsky, so I'd like to set the record straight. So, I thought I'd
> bring the subject up again for discussion. Do you have any comments to
> make concerning the Mahesh Yogi being the clerk of Jyotirmath?
> The name Mahesh doesn't appear on any of the Trust's literature and
> there's no mention of a Mahesh Yogi being in the will as an
> administrator. If you accept any of the above scenarios - the poison
> rumor - the clerk rumor - I just don't see how a clerk is going to be
> sitting on the bed at the point of the demise of a Shankaracharya, or
> even in the same room with one, for that matter. 
> That is, unless you want to suggest that the Mahesh Yogi was much more
> than a mere clerk, much more than a secretary, which would contradict
> the statement by the Swami Swaroopanand in the Kropinsky interview to
> the effect that Mahesh Yogi was a part-time, low-level, paper pusher
> of low caste. 
> If so, how did the Mahesh Yogi become so powerful that he could
> outsmart the Indian press and a whole committee of pundits down in
> Kashi and get Swami Shantinand on the Gaddi? Go figure. 
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