See Socrates (i.e. Plato's dialogue Symposium).  And nobody could give a 
lecture on enlightenment drunk like Alan Watts (Ted Solomon, Professor Emeritus 
of Religious Studies at Iowa State, has a great story about this).  And then 
there's the king of all recent spiritual alcoholics (unless you count Charlie 
Bukowski), Chogyam Trungpa . . .
  Unfortunately, however, these gents "died too soon," as Nietzsche used like 
to to say.
  P.S. David Lynch says Bukowski liked TM because it helped him to enjoy 
drinking more.

TurquoiseB <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
          --- In, Bhairitu <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
> Enlightened folks only witness the effect of alcohol, 
> they are never actually drunk. :)

There is actually historical evidence of this.
The Sixth Dalai Lama, a bit of a Tantric, used
to sneak out of the Potala at night and go down
to the red light district of Shol-town and drink
and carouse. There are historical incidents of
him drinking everyone in a tavern under the table,
matching them drink for drink, and then standing
up and creating one of his famous poems. These
song poems were created spontaneously, yet they
are so perfect that they have endured and been sung
by the people of Tibet to this day. Padmasambhava 
reputedly had the same siddhi. :-)


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