Neitzche said a man's spirituality went to the pinnacle of his sexuality or 
something like that.  If so then Lou got any stories?
  ----- Original Message ----- 
  Sent: Wednesday, January 17, 2007 4:33 AM
  Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Hey, was Guru Dev in CC or GC or UC???? 
Acording to ...

  According to Saint Anthony channeled through a a close friend-Guru Dev is 
presently in the third level
  of the sixth dimension. He would have to reach the 7th level to be in G.C. 
I'm talking about a permanent
  state of this awareness not momentary experiences. He died in C.C. A 
permanent state of U.C. can not
  be achieved as long as their is a subject (body) of any type. You would have 
to ascend to the 12th dimension in order to fully dissolve the subject and 
object. Most of what people call U.C. in the TMO or elsewhere is not unity. At 
best a glimpse here and there. Just enjoy the ride. Trying to rush 
enlightenment is spiritual ego. Regardless of what state of awareness we want 
to experience the present state of awareness is most important. By doing TM on 
a regular basis we are rushing the process enough. We signed up for priority 
mail and many people want overnight mail. Most cannot handle overnight and will 
do more damage
  in the end in trying to avoid the necessary effort of conscious awareness 
along the path that is required by a day to day living of setting small goals 
each day along the path. Transcend/Focus, Transcend/Focus. This
  is the royal road to enlightenment. Lou Valentino JGD.

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