--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "sparaig" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> The seven states of consciousness are identified, according to the
MUM style guide, as:
> http://resources.mum.edu/manuals/styleguide.pdf  
> Turiya Chetanå (Transcendental Consciousness) 
> Turiyåtit Chetanå (Cosmic Consciousness) 
> Bhagavad Chetanå (God Consciousness) 
> Bråhmi Chetanå (Unity Consciousness) 
> Seems to me that these terms should be traceable to one or more
sanskrit sources. 
> Turiya, for instance, is found in one of the Upanishads.

Brahmi Chetana or Brahman Consciousness, Maharishi himself refers to
as *Cosmic Consciousness* in Love and God! Let me attempt to remove
the confusion, when MMY talks about CC, if it's on the level of the
individual he means simply Self-Realization or soul/jiva realization.
When he speaks of Bråhmi Chetanå (Unity) then he is *still* speaking
of CC, but at the level of Brahman, get it?

Remember Jiva and Brahman are different terms signifying different
degrees and quality of the one Cosmic Being.......

MMY repeatedly refers to Brahman as the state of Cosmic Consciousness
which is consistent terminology with other groups. (See Gita CH V,
vs21 & ChII vs 72).

It's confusing because the common nomenclature of Cosmic Consciousness
as the final and highest state of consciousness, is correct. But MMY
uses CC and UC interchangably and hence the confusion.

CC essentially is what MMY says it is in Love and God, Purnam adah and
Purnam idam. (That Unmanifested Brahman is perfect and This Manifested
Brahman is also perfect.) This is COSMIC CONSCIOUSNESS, the highest!

Just remember, TC or CC, according to MMY is simply Brahman on the
level of the individual (jiva or soul) and therefore distinct in
quality and degree from Brahman chaitanya. See Gita VI vs3.

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