Middle-class X'nity is alot more about being middle-class than it is about 
X'nity (and that is one thing that X'n fundamentalists and Unitarian 
Universalists such as myself agree about).

Patrick Gillam <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
          > --- Jonathan Chadwick wrote:
>> I'm very sorry to have to say that mainline 
> X'nity after all is the spiritual high school 
> of our place and time 

If that's the case, I want to see what the 
cheerleaders are wearing.
  They're wearing whatever they're told to wear.  As Geroge Patterson, emeritus 
six-figure UM chaplain at the U of I, once told me (and I believe he was 
emphasizing his point with his index finger when he said it):  "The church 
believes in social control." 

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