> m2smart4u2000 wrote:
> What is the affect jyotish wise? isn't it occurring in mercury?
> I thought it was a good time to have a yagya????

Lunar eclipses occur on the full moon (purnima) and are 
of three types: total, partial and penumbral. 
A Total Lunar Eclipse is when the Moon entirely passes 
through the earth's dark shadow or umbra, which means "shaded area."
 (Our word "umbrella" comes from the latin root, "umbra"). 
35% or so are Total eclipses, which are the most dramatic 
and intense from an astrological point of view.

Why isn't there a lunar eclipses every month on the full Moon?
This is because the Moon's orbit around the earth 
is at a 5 degree tilt relative to the Earth's orbit around the Sun.
Only 2-4 times per year is the Moon's orbit within the plane 
of the Earth's orbit. 

The points where the Moon's orbit and the Earth's orbit cross 
one another are the eclipse points known as Rahu and Ketu, 
the North and South nodes of the Moon.

Because the nodes of the Moon are so mysterious and unusual 
in nature their influences cause abnormal functioning 
to whatever planet they aspect. During the eclipse 
the nodes of the Moon are aspecting both of the personal planets, 
the Sun and Moon and are cutting off their normal functioning. 

They create an opening in our psyches for subtle energies 
to enter, either positively or negatively. 

It's therefore best to do spiritual practices during eclipses 
and not anything of significance in the material world 
like having a surgery, or signing an important document. 

Eclipses are excellent times for meditation, chanting mantras, 
or other spiritual practices.   It's recommended to fast 
and take advantage of the subtle influences of the eclipse time.



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