> > Transcending is an automatic process; it doesn't require 
> > any effort or striving because there is no goal, no 
> > destination. You are already in the enlightened state; 
> > your mind is just covered over with the appearance of 
> > the material world - Maya. All you have to do is isolate
> > the Purusha and let it shine. It's that simple.
> >
nablusos108 wrote: 
> That's right. But fellows like "Vaj" will never get this. 
> People like him will always try to complicate, sow dissention. 
> Their world is simple in the sense of; we know what we have 
> but not what we will get. They hate the whole idea of
> self-realization. Self realized ? Without the church, without 
> the Government ? No Sir!
Maybe so, but both Barry and Vaj seem to be believers in the
enlightenment tradition, except they got a little mixed up when they
adopted Buddhism, not realizing that the practice advocated by Mahesh
IS pure Buddhist Yoga. 

All this got straightened out with the teaching of Bodhi Daruma, the
founder of the Chan sect in China. Up until then, the people had
mistaken the pointing finger for the moon itself. Enlightenment is
sudden, not gradual, and it comes all at once, not in little dribbles.
You are either in it or you are not. If not, you're covered over by
Maya and you suffer.

Everyone is already transcending, even without a technique. The
average person couldn't go through a day without once or twice pausing
to take stock of their own mind stuff. Meditation simply means "to
think things over" - all you have to do in order to transcend is
provide the ideal opportunity for thinking. We don't have to make an
effort to think - what we have to do is relax naturally and isolate
the Being. It is fruitless to try to be yourself, you already are your

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