On Mar 7, 2007, at 9:10 AM, curtisdeltablues wrote:

In arguments with you about meditation she takes the party line on TM,
so you get a high dose of that.  But IMO it is about the arguing, not
the party line.  Since the whole tone is so out of favor with the TM
PR model, and so many doctrine critical beliefs are not shared with
true blue TM believers, I decided that there had to be another
explanation.  If it isn't devotion to MMY or the movement, then I feel
it might be a devotion to the fight itself.  TM is just a convenient
prop.  But hey what do I know, I'm just a simple sod!

Or could it be someone trapped in the first stages of grief: denial and anger?

I guess it depends on what specifically you mean by "doctrinal beliefs"--that would tend to denote a TMO TB, not a TM TB, wouldn't it? My take is, when most people use the term "TB" in regard to TM and/or TMSP practitioners, they are talking about True Belief in TM/ TMSP and NOT the TM org.

TM org TB's would probably be better called "TM bots"--although there does seem to be a certain amount of overlap between the two, which makes it rather confusing.

TM TB's can be and probably most often are independent. TMO TB's are not. It's the relative independence of the former that makes them insist they are not TB's--but to someone object outside of either mindset, it's clear they are.

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