When I first came to FFL it was because I wished to contact Richard 
Williams (because he seemed the most prominent voice of those looking 
for answers about Maharishi). Well, I was politely pointed in the 
direction of AMT. But whilst here I noticed it was a pretty orderly 
restrained sort of a gentleman's club sort of atmosphere, with some 
well-reasoned and polite debate going on. I was glad I had found FFL. 
They marshalled their arguments with information that they had worked 
hard to find. I cite L B Shriver in particular, not because I agreed 
with his viewpoint, but he actually bothered to research before he put 
forward his thoughts.

Well, at Google AMT I attempted to level with those who had unfairly 
criticised my bio, only to find the criticism was founded on ignorance, 
the critic had not actually read the book, and someone else just 
assumed they knew what they were talking about, so more uninformed 

That was my introduction to TM forums. After a time I mentioned FFL at 
AMT and Uncle Tantra (Turquoise) migrated to FFL and it seemed that 
things at FFL were thereby improved, not that they needed to really. 
However, something else happened, there was a change in the ethos, for 
the worse. This might have been the time that certain other individuals 
turned up too, but it soon turned into what AMT had been, a playground 
without any supervision. That would have been fine of course if things 
had stayed playful.

Interestingly, the deterioration in the standard of debates where the 
postings are now usually reduced to personal insults, racism, the use 
of hate vocabulary 'evil','wicked', 'rakshasa' 'dog' etc etc. has meant 
that there is no longer any real point in contributing. 

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