On Mar 17, 2007, at 7:22 PM, Rick Archer wrote:

I second that, moderating is needed by someone otherwise this list is down the tubes. Really, that was likely their goal all along. One of them even said she'd do this till she died. That doesn't sound much different from an Islamic terrorist. The list has been destroyed by insurgents, quite literally.

How would you suggest it be moderated? If someone volunteered to do it, what criteria would they follow? How would they be objective?
I seem to remember New Morn came up with some nice ideas that seemed worth implementing. IIRC it was something like first time you're banned for posting a couple of days and then each time thereafter, longer. It seems to me there would have to be a limit, a "three strikes and you're out" kinda thing. I really don't think it would be hard to implement because it really is a case of 'a couple of bad apples spoiling the whole bunch'.

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