--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "authfriend" <jstein@> wrote:
> >
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "geezerfreak" 
> > wrote:
> > >
> > > > This is an attempt at humor, right?
> > > 
> > > No.
> > 
> > Oh, that's too bad.
> > 
> > > And this makes 11 for you. Way over the limit.
> > > Whoops, there's yet another one. 12.
> > 
> > Apparently some of us still aren't quite clear on
> > the process here.
> With all due respect, the only person on this
> forum who seems to be "not quite clear" on the
> process -- and why it was implemented -- is 
> yourself.

Well, not exactly, in several respects.

> > In the first place, posts asking for clarification
> > of the new regime, according to Rick, were not to
> > be counted toward a person's total.
> That was yesterday. Rick made it *clear* that
> such questions were in effect for only one day.

I guess you missed this later post of Rick's,
responding to me:

From: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of authfriend
Sent: Monday, March 19, 2007 11:13 AM
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [FairfieldLife] 4 Post Notice (was Re: ++Attack++)

Questions about the new regulations, however, until
someone draws up and posts a detailed description,
ought to be public so everyone else can benefit by
the responses. It will also save the moderators
having to answer similar questions over and over in
individual private emails, as well as reducing the
number of posts they have to scan of those put on
moderation because they didn't understand what would
cause them to be put on moderation.

I agree.

No such detailed description has yet been posted,
and *obviously* there are still questions to be
answered, given geezerfreak's confusion about
my post count.

> That means that, according to your own calculations
> below (based on midnight your time), you have already
> made three posts today, and have only two more left.

Well, that depends on whether Rick stands by
his agreement above. One of those three was a
"process" post asking about when an individual
poster's "day" begins, which has not yet been

> (Yahoo [or at least the French Yahoo] shows posts from 
> you at 12:34 your time, 12:39 your time, and 13:07 
> your time -- I think that the Yahoo timestamp should
> be the only measure of when a post was made, since
> there can be delays and anyone can claim whatever 
> they want along the lines of "But...but...but I made
> that post *before* midnight...")

Yes, this is something else that needs to
be established.

Going by the Yahoo timestamp makes sense in one
respect, but it does mean one might inadvertently
go over one's limit if a post is delayed,
especially if one is posting close to the end of
one's "day" and one's limit, whenever that is
determined to be.  So that solution is a potential
source of confusion.

> If Rick decides to make Fairfield time the definitive
> midnight (which I think is appropriate),

That would be fine with me as well.  Will he
continue to be the official "counter," though? I
had thought he wanted to appoint someone to do
that chore.

 you have
> made one post today, and have four left.

Again, depending on whether Rick abides by his
agreement above.

> your "count," I would suggest that you use them
> more wisely than you have been doing so far.

Thanks for the suggestion, but I think each
of us will probably make our own decisions as
to the wisdom of our posts.

In my experience, as I've already said,
moderation works well only when all the rules
are clear to everyone.  Even with the very
best of intentions, one can't follow rules 
unless it's clear what the rules *are*.

It therefore appears to me to be "wise," in
the interests of facilitating moderation, for
clarification questions to be asked and
answered as they arise, and for them to be
asked publicly so others can benefit by the

> I suspect that any attempt to "ask for clarification"
> today (especially since you could have done so yester-
> day, when it was permitted)

Thanks for acknowledging that such questions 
asked yesterday did not count toward the total.
Hopefully geezerfreak will see your post and
realize his error.

 will be seen as you trying
> to circumvent the rules that everyone else seems to
> be having no problem respecting.

I don't think that will be the case among
reasonable people.  The question about when
one's "day" begins doesn't seem to have
occurred to anybody yesterday, including Rick
It didn't occur to me until Rick had posted his
list shortly before midnight EST, and by the
time I saw it, it was past midnight.

> This is my second post of the day, and it *definitely*
> goes against my "count." I'm willing to abide by both
> the "letter of the law" and its spirit. It remains
> to be seen what you will do. Everyone's watching. Good
> luck.

Again, I suspect "everyone" (but you, possibly)
will be grateful that I raised the question
about when one's "day" begins.  And the "letter
of the law" depends on what Rick says it is,
not what you say it is.

If Rick agrees that asking for clarification of
the rules should not count against one's total
until a detailed description of those rules has
been posted, then not counting my post asking
when one's "day" begins will be fully within the
"letter," you see.

As to the "spirit of the law" in other respects,
I might remind you that the kind of deliberate
baiting you're doing in the post I'm responding
to is one of the main reasons Rick decided to
institute moderation on this forum.  He's made
it exceedingly clear that it won't be tolerated,
*especially* in the case of you and me.

I suspect that the only way to keep you (and
perhaps a few others) from indulging in baiting
is to put you on moderation.  If Rick does that
in your case, he'll probably feel the need to
put me on moderation as well, to be "fair,"
but that's fine with me; I'm perfectly willing
to undergo that restriction for the sake of
the restraint it will put on you.


In fact, I hereby *request* that Rick put both
you and me on moderation immediately.

I would make one other suggestion to Rick, which
is that he, or his designate, should be the only
person to comment publicly on whether participants
are observing the rules, both in letter and in
spirit.  That will eliminate another source of
potential baiting and help ensure that all
participants' posts are on topics this forum
was designed for.

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