--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB <no_reply@> wrote:
> >
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "llundrub" <llundrub@> 
> > >
> > > What the fuck are you going on about are you still ranting 
> > > from this morning. You're sick in the head!
> > 
> > Compassion, dude. Were you ever so strung out on 
> > heroin that you had to "kick?"
> > 
> > That's what's going on. 
> > 
> > She's so desperate to post and slam someone (her
> > drug of choice) that she shoots her entire wad
> > for the day before 10:00 a.m. in the morning.
> > And then she sits there -- quivering, shaking,
> > going through withdrawal, waiting till midnight
> > Fairfield time so she can "fix" again.

Uh, no.

After I've reached my limit, I just copy any post
I want to respond to into a Notepad file and add
my reply.  Then the next day I post that file under
the "Various" title.  If I'm up that late, I'll do
it after midnight Fairfield time; if not, I'll do
it in the morning.

> > If you'd ever worked with addicts, you'd recog-
> > nize the syndrome...
> I'm following up on this post because I suspect
> that some here will think that it's Just Another
> Attack Against Judy. I don't think it is. I think 
> that addiction is the *correct* metaphor to use
> in her case.

I dubbed Barry "Master of Inadvertent Irony" many
years ago.  He still holds that title.  Here he is,
compulsively replying to his own first post of the
day, using two of *his* five posts for More Gratuitous
Attacks on Judy, in both of which he calls *me*
addicted, totally oblivious to the self-referential

And now we get a string of falsehoods:

> Instead of 13 shots of heroin a day, she's been
> limited to 5. Her body is going through withdrawal.
> And her mind is going through terror, because if
> she continues to "push the envelope" by ignoring
> the posting limits here,

Actually I've only gone over the limit twice, once
inadverently, by one post, and the other time, the
first day the limits were in effect, because I had
thought "process" posts about the new rules 
wouldn't count until Rick had posted a detailed
description; he had agreed with me about this but
then apparently changed his mind without telling us
(both about "process" posts not counting and about
posting a rules description).

> She can't go back to alt.meditation.transcendental.
> That would be too much of an admission of defeat
> even for her.

Uh, no.  Alt.m.t just doesn't have much that's
interesting to me any longer.

 TM-Free has already caught on to her
> act, so that's not really a viable forum for her,
> either.

This is hilarious.  It's just about exactly the
opposite of what's actually going on over at
TM-Free. Barry has *tried* to make it not a
viable forum for me since the blog first started,
with very embarrassing results for himself but
zero effect on my "viability" there.  In fact,
his gratuitous attacks on me there and the way
I've responded has probably *enhanced* my

> News flash -- most of the arguing and the trashing is 
> coming from HER


> But we can. Treat her with the same compassion you
> would show to a heroin addict. As Richard Williams
> says, "Don't feed it." Judy LIVES to defend herself
> against "attacks," real or imagined. Those attacks, 
> and the high she gets from retaliating against them,
> are her drug of choice. CUT HER OFF, for her own
> good. Don't give her any more excuses to feed an
> addiction that is killing her.

Why don't you start, Barry?

This is what I've been saying all along: If the
gratuitous attacks--on me and on others--could
finally be stopped, we wouldn't need a posting

Whether Barry will be able to deal with his
addiction to attacking me without some, er,
"help" remains to be seen; he's made such
proposals before but has always quickly fallen
off the wagon.

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