And no, I already indicated I didn't think I was
always the wronged party.  But I rarely actually
start fights.  I have done it every now and then,
but usually all I do is respond. If the attacks
were stopped, I wouldn't have the need to respond,
and I'd be far less motivated to start fights
myself, even though I do so rarely anyway.

-----Well, see you admit to actually starting fights sometimes. I have never
started a fight with someone just for the sake of fighting. 

I really think Rick should kick you off because so much of your posting is
self absorbed garbage, amounting to little more than trolling. 

As for Askolnik. I have corresponded with him previously at times and he was
quite a pleasant person during those private posts.  However, karma works
adventitiously, and so for that reason there is no karma which has come
about through chance alone, though partial karmas might manifest seemingly
with no reason, but the real reason is the adventitiousness of supportive

For instance, perhaps Askolnik is such a jerk that he would have slammed
anyone he felt deserved it. However, you Judy became his focus because you
adventitiously stepped into the pile of shit. To blame his Junkyard Dog
website on insanity or unfairness is itself unfair because you were there at
the right time, doing the right thing to piss him off at the right place and
so now you have a permanent record. One which many might say is undeserved,
though which many will say is at least partially justified. And if it's
justified at all, then because this is the web, and freedom of speech is the
basic tenet of its existence, well then, one can say that hyperbole and such
is fair game. If hyperbole it was.

In my experience on the net very few persons have ever had hate-sites set up
for them, so what made you so special?  My guess is that it's your fine
edged intellect which basically has just been used maliciously for many many
years now.

Your debating this issue will not do you justice. It will take many years
for you to earn back people's respect and trust. If you should start to ever
care what people really think about you. 

Because you are not earning kudos right now by always pointing fingers.
Given your previous disposition to troll everywhere you go, you simply
cannot get the respect that such an intelligent person usually could get. 

If you did have a change of heart in any real sense it would show. But I for
the life of me can't remember you ever being sorry for any of your actions
or words, or....nevermind...I doubt you heard a word I said. 

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