--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "llundrub" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> And no, I already indicated I didn't think I was
> always the wronged party.  But I rarely actually
> start fights.  I have done it every now and then,
> but usually all I do is respond. If the attacks
> were stopped, I wouldn't have the need to respond,
> and I'd be far less motivated to start fights
> myself, even though I do so rarely anyway.
> -----Well, see you admit to actually starting fights 
> sometimes. I have never started a fight with someone
> just for the sake of fighting.

Nor have I. I didn't say I had sometimes started
fights just for the sake of fighting. There was
always a reason.

So what was the reason for your trying to start fights
with me here all this past week?

> I really think Rick should kick you off because so much of 
> your posting is self absorbed garbage, amounting to little
> more than trolling.

That's false, of course, and particularly ironic coming
from you.

> As for Askolnik. I have corresponded with him previously at 
> times and he was quite a pleasant person during those private
> posts.  

Oh, he can charm your socks off if he wants to, no
question about it.

> For instance, perhaps Askolnik is such a jerk that he
> would have slammed anyone he felt deserved it. However,
> you Judy became his focus because you adventitiously
> stepped into the pile of shit.

You mean, I stepped into the pile of shit he was
trying to dump on the TMO, and exposed it as shit,

> In my experience on the net very few persons have ever
> had hate-sites set up for them, so what made you so special?
> My guess is that it's your fine edged intellect which
> basically has just been used maliciously for many many
> years now.


Anyone who was reading alt.m.t during his tenure
there--except his own cronies and supporters, of
course--will confirm that Skolnick was hands-down
the most malicious participant ever to grace that
newsgroup.  When he wasn't attacking TM, he was
attacking the TMers on the newsgroup personally,
trying to dig up dirt about their private lives,
*lying* about them constantly.

Sometime I'll tell the story here about how he
knowingly falsely implied on alt.m.t that a TMer
who had breast cancer had died because she relied
on Maharishi Ayur-Veda rather than conventional
medical treatment.  He even offered to send her
*death certificate* to anyone who was interested.

As to what made *me* "so special" that somebody
would set up a hate-site targeting me, it was that
I was tangling with a person who thought that was
a clever way to deal with the fact that he was 
being exposed on alt.m.t--by me and others, some
of whom he also targeted on that Web site--for what
he was, a person of zero integrity and just about
infinite malice.

Skolnick had found he couldn't get away with his
lies and slander on alt.m.t, because he'd get
called on them.  He set up the Web site so he could
lie and slander to his heart's content without
being challenged.

> Your debating this issue will not do you justice. It will 
> take many years for you to earn back people's respect and
> trust. If you should start to ever care what people really
> think about you.

I don't care what people think about me.  I care
very much what they think about people like Andrew
Skolnick and Barry Wright and John Knapp, just as
I care what they think about George Bush and Dick
Cheney and Alberto Gonzales and all the other
wrongdoers in the administration.

> Because you are not earning kudos right now by always 
> pointing fingers. Given your previous disposition to
> troll everywhere you go, 

Oops, no, I don't troll.  Never have, never will.

> you simply
> cannot get the respect that such an intelligent person 
> usually could get. 
> If you did have a change of heart in any real sense it would 
> show. But I for the life of me can't remember you ever being
> sorry for any of your actions or words, or....nevermind...I
> doubt you heard a word I said.

I've heard every word, and unfortunately most of it
is garbage.

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