In a message dated 4/1/2007 5:50:17 A.M. Eastern Daylight Time,  

,  TurquoiseB <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Dr. Feldman  concluded, "With over six million practitioners 
> > around the  world, it will be very easy to have one million 
> > subscribers  purchase the phones and subscribe to the plan.
> And this  coming from the people who have to bribe 
> poor young kids from India  into becoming "pundits" 
> and export them to Iowa like products in an  attempt 
> to get 2000 people together in one place to save the 
>  world. They can't achieve the numbers any other way
> even when they  offer to pay people to go there.
> I'd have to say that the  quote above, in conjunction
> with a product that almost no one can  afford and that
> even fewer would even WANT, indicates a level of  being
> out of touch with reality that has crossed the border
>  from eccentricity to insanity.
> Maybe saying stuff like this  is a kind of backasswards
> "enforced bhakti." The only way one CAN be  comfortable 
> with stuff like this is turn off one's mind and critical  
> faculties altogether and believe it fully, without 
>  reservation. If you don't surrender to it, you pretty
> much have to be  embarrassed by it. And since we all
> know that many people would rather  die than be embar-
> rassed, it works to keep them in line.
> I'd rather feel embarrassed. For them, and for myself
> for  ever having been part of such an organization. f

And if it IS an  April Fool's prank, as Card suggests,
well done. The essence of a good one  is to make it
believable. And after all of the other actions  and
announcements/announcements/<WBR>pronouncements of the TM


> It is scary. God have mercy on the TMO for using young boys who are  
desperate for an education and some food. With announcements in New York this  
of their new found government and all, they have treaded down a path since  
1975 that only creates more bureaucracy and less love. MMY has completely lost  
his mind at this point. Very soon he will have no choice but to get out of his 
 own way and let the karma fall where it should. The billionaires and  
millionaires will not be able to save his movement let alone save the planet.  

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