BillyG wrote:
> "...even though it's not principally right to allot
> some fixed time for Cosmic Consciousness".
> There you go, on tape, in this case a data cd I had 
> mastered from a reel to reel left over from some 
> defunct center! I was a little surprised he said 
> that, but, here it is.
Well, maybe so, Billy, but if he said that, then he 
is an idiot. But I'ver never seem a brochure or a book 
or a pamphlet with that stated. By the time he said 
that there were several hundred people that had been 
practicing TM for over ten years. Go figure.

Enlightenment, that is, Moksha, is already accomplished 
- all that is is required is to *isolate* the Purusha, 
which, in every case is totally separate from the 
prakriti. Enlightenment is not a state gained, but 
a state revealed, through Self Realization.

In fact, TM IS NOT the cause of enlightenment - 
the practice of TM simply provides the ideal 
opportunity for transcending. According to Swami 
Brahmananda Saraswati, Brahman, that is, the 
Transcendental State, is Light itself - it needs 
no other light to illuminate it.

You are not going to get any more enlightenment 
than you are going to get.

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