This whole commentary is on the level of logic and thinking and even 
though it has a value, it is just not expansive enough to evaluate 
Maharishi's work and destiny. 
My favorite quote remains, "there is no right or wrong, only the 
will of God"
Although we have intellect and logic to evaluate, it will always 
fall short of really knowing whether or not someone is doing the 
will of God.
Just like in the Mahabharata, when Krisna tells Arjuna to "strike 
beneath the knees" (or something like that), those who did not 
realize that God in the form of Krisna had given that  command, (and 
that command  was against dharmic law)exclaimed "what has the world 
come to now, even Arjuna, who is the embodiement of dharma has 
broken the law". those "in the know" realized that Arjuna was 
performing right action, the will of God, which is the highest 
action and most dharmic (even if it breaks man-made law)
Who knows the truth? Only your hairdresser knows for sure. 

--- In, "dhamiltony2k5" 
> codicil 371.3 of Natural Law,
> which says, "He who cuts the biggest check gets the most
> strokes, and achieves enlightenment first. Plus, he
> gets to wear robes and a Burger King crown."
> --- In, TurquoiseB <no_reply@> wrote:
> >
> > --- In, "dhamiltony2k5"
> > <dhamiltony2k5@> wrote:
> > >
> > > --- In, "dhamiltony2k5"
> > <dhamiltony2k5@> wrote:
> > > > > What could Maharishi have done or said to bring 
> > > > > meditators back to the domes and group meditation,
> > > > > to get the numbers needed, even way back last 
> > > > > summer when this latest TM course started?
> > > > >  
> > > > > Is interesting that even with even with paying people 
> > > > > to meditate, bringing by the hundreds hire-ling 
> > > > > student pandits from India, giving the sidhi's away 
> > > > > in exchange for practicing in the domes, they can 
> > > > > not get the numbers in the dome.
> > > > > 
> > > > > " According to the plan I (Raja W.) have mentioned 
> > > > > before, another 500 Pandits will be arriving over 
> > > > > the next few months, bringing the total here to 
> > > > > 1,000. This number of Pandits will assure that there 
> > > > > will always be more than the Super Radiance number 
> > > > > of 1732 Yogic Flyers necessary to maintain permanent 
> > > > > invincibility for America."
> > > >
> > > > Mayor and 'Raja' Wynne says it and confirms it all right 
> > > > 
> > > > Strong commentary on the predicament of Maharishi at the 
> > > > Where did his meditators go?  
> > 
> > On the whole, they followed his lead. They "holed
> > up" somewhere safe and let other people worry about
> > (and work to relieve) the problems of the world.
> > 
> > > > Used to be thousands would show up on a phone call.  
> > 
> > Back when Maharishi still had an ounce of credibility,
> > and more important, still had the ability to inspire 
> > others without bullying, scaring, or threatening them.
> > 
> > > > Now, a few hundreds?
> > > > 
> > > > What could he have said or done otherwise to get this 
> > > > going with his old TM'er movement?  What went wrong 
> > > > for Maharishi?
> > 
> > I think that those who are interested in this question
> > might benefit from a reading of (or re-reading of)
> > Hermann Hesse's "Magister Ludi: The Glass Bead Game."
> > It's the story of a long-term spiritual tradition
> > falling apart because its leaders "holed up" inside
> > the walls of their monastery and 1) stopped having
> > anything to do with the "unspiritual" people outside
> > the walls, 2) stopped even *listening* to these
> > "unspiritual" people outside the walls, and 3) stop-
> > ped listening to anyone who *was* inside the walls
> > who suggested that they should do more for those
> > outside of them. It's the story of a spiritual
> > movement gone mad from self-indulgence and the
> > focus on its own self-importance.
> > 
> > As the focus shifted away from actual teaching of TM
> > (which involves and *requires* daily interaction with
> > the "great unwashed," the people outside the walls of
> > the ashram, the self importance of the TM movement
> > and its "core followers" grew larger and larger, at
> > the same time that the minds and the compassion of 
> > these core followers grew smaller and smaller.
> > 
> > Cutting a check so that *other* people could interact
> > with the "great unwashed" and teach TM became prefer-
> > able to interacting with these lesser-evolved people
> > oneself. And lo, cutting a check was rewarded with
> > strokes from the guru, and with proximity to him. 
> > Other followers, brought up on the shining example
> > of Trotakacharya and others who supposedly realized
> > their enlightenment through nothing *but* proximity
> > to the guru looked at this phenomenon and made the
> > obvious (to them) choice. "Why work our butts off in
> > the field catering to these people who are so much
> > less evolved than we are when we can gain proximity
> > to the guru (and thus our own all-important enlight-
> > enment) by simply cutting a check?" And yea verily,
> > cutting a check became the new pathway to enlight-
> > enment.
> > 
> > There are *thousands* of things that Maharishi could
> > have done or said to prevent the situation he finds
> > himself in now. But those things would have involved 
> > true humility on his part and a desire to actually
> > help the people of the world (as opposed to a desire
> > to make money by "announcing" his intention to help
> > the people of the world and then sitting back and
> > collecting checks from the "faithful").
> > 
> > But he didn't do these things, and now he finds him-
> > self in the position of having to "outsource" butt-
> > bouncers from India, because only a few hundred 
> > students in the entire world still believe him when
> > he asks them to put their lives on hold and do what
> > he tells them to do. 
> > 
> > Meanwhile, the people who can cut the *biggest* checks 
> > are NOT butt-bouncing in Fairfield. They *still* don't
> > even have to mingle with the "great unwashed" of the
> > *TM faithful* any more. They can prance around in robes
> > and crowns in Vlodrop and get daily strokes from the 
> > guru while these other peons do the grunt work for them. 
> > And it's all covered under codicil 371.3 of Natural Law, 
> > which says, "He who cuts the biggest check gets the most
> > strokes, and achieves enlightenment first. Plus, he
> > gets to wear robes and a Burger King crown."
> > 
> > What could Maharishi have done to avoid this sad, sad,
> > sad situation? He could have valued people more than
> > money. 
> > 
> > And, like Amma or Gandhi or any of the other great 
> > teachers of the world, he could have presented an 
> > example to that world that he really *did* value
> > people by interacting with them and treating them
> > as equals. He could have walked the walk instead of
> > just talking the talk and then sitting back and 
> > counting the money.
> >

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