> Tom T:
> From Alistair Shearer version of Patanjali. Chapter 3 final verse #55:
> And when the translucent intellect is as pure as the Self, there is
> Enlightenment.

Judy responds:
Dunno if that's what's going on here; again, this
is *such* an abstract process that any suggestion
of linearity (getting from *here* to *there*) just
doesn't seem to apply.  Can't explain it any better
than that (which is pretty frustrating for somebody
as into words as I am!).

Tom T:
Not a here to there just a realization of what is. You are describing
the translucent intellect. There are no words, the intellect just
dicriminates what is. It cannot descibe IT because it is IT. You
cannot describe or remember who you are, you can only be who you are,
Being or IT. Enjoy it. No Mind ever got enlightened, you can only stop
ignoring what is. Tom

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